Over stitch rather than individual stitches

  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I had my WLE done on Wednesday and have just removed the dressing. Rather than seeing a nice row of  individual stitches, I have a neat row of over-stitch, with a knot at either end, and two in the middle where the doctor obviously ran out of thread  and started wiith some more, (my scar is about 10cm long). Has anybody else had this, not sure how the nurse is going to remove it next week. 

  • Hi  

    I don't remember how my scars were stitched but the surgeon used dissolvable stitches so I didn't need a nurse to remove them. However, I'm sure the nurse will be used to the different stitching techniques so you don't need to worry.


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  • Hi I'm not worried about it, I was just surprised to see a neat row of over stitches when I took the dressing off, rather than 10 or so stitches. 

  • Oh, I see. My stitches were very neat too and I used to joke that next time I needed some clothing altering I'd get the surgeon to do it Slight smile

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