Just diagnosed as 1b

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  • 51 subscribers

In January this year, I went to get a mole checked that I had had for 50+ years, I wasn't at all worried about it as it hadn't appeared to have changed. I only went because someone had told me they got their moles checked every year and I should do the same.  I was stunned when the doctor took one look at it and said it was skin cancer, no if no buts. I saw a consultant two weeks later on who told me the same. I just didn't believe them and found it hard to accept that at the  exact time I had decided to go and see the doctor about the mole it had turned cancerous. It seemed to much of a coincidence to be true. Roll on 5 weeks and I have just been diagnosed with stage 1b skin cancer. It was a coincidence that I just happened to go and see the doctor at that point in time, but I am so glad I did as otherwise it could have been a totally different ending. 

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry that your dodgy mole did turn out to be melanoma but it sounds from the Stage that it's been found very early.

    I assume that you'll be having a wide local excision (WLE) at some point now. Have you been offered a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as well?


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi, I'm having the WLE done on the 18th April, which isn't too long to wait.  I've been told the WLE will have a margin of 2cm. Since the mole was on my stomach and the original scar is about 7cm, friends are telling me I'm having a free tummy tuck on the NHS. I suppose that is one way of looking at it!

    I was offered an SLNB, but turned it down for two reasons. 

    1. They couldn't do it for at least 6 months and as they would do the WlE at the same time I didn't want it hanging over me for that length of time.

    2. The lymph nodes they would take out would be in my groin, and there is a risk that I could end up with a permanent swollen painful right leg. As my hobbies include cycling and dancing, I decided the risks outweighed the benefits. 

  • That's great that you're having the WLE so soon  as you're right that it gets it over and done with.

    My scar from the WLE is about 6 inches long and on my upper arm but you can barely see it now.

    When I went for my check-up a couple of weeks after the WLE and SLNB, I was advised to massage it with a simple moisturiser like E45 and that certainly did the trick.

    I've had two SLNBs in the same armpit for two different cancers and fortunately haven't suffered with lymphoedema. However, I can understand your reason for not having it done as I think it is far more troublesome when the groin's involved.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi, I’ve just had a groin dissection myself on Feb 6th, just about recovered but I also had a secondary operation at the same time on my left flank so my recovery has been longer than normal. 
    side effects of lymph node removal for me is slight tingling at the top of my left thigh and a swelling top of groin. Been told swelling will subside with time.personally I had no choice as tumour on lymph node was rather big (pear shaped) with 2 smaller lumps attached. 
    I was told Monday 27th it was all clear in that area and I was to start immunotherapy soon. 
    have a read of my profile if you wish as I started with a rogue Mole back in 2020. 
    I hope everything goes well for you in the future. 
    best wishes.

    ps: my nickname from youth was Mole which has now come back to haunt me. Lol. 

  • Thanks for your replies. I know I'm one of the luckier people on this forum as mine was caught early and I don't need any more treatment than a WLE. Thanks for all the replies to my posts which have helped me get through this uncertain and scary time. Wishing each and everyone of you good luck as you continue your journey along this rocky road. 

  • Gosh I am surprised you are having to wait 6 months what is the reason for that?.I had a 6 week wait as there was a shortage of the blue dye they use for the mapping for the SNLB.

    I had a 1CM WLE as I have elected to be part of a Worldwide trial which is looking at whether a 1CM excision could be used.I was randomised as a 1CM patient and have additional checks etc.I fully understand your reasons for not having the SNLB with such a long wait.I had it and unfortunately they found a small amount of cancer cells in both lymph nodes they removed from my groin, but nothing in the wider area on my foot.

    I do get a little bit of swelling around my ankle and on the top of my foot at the end of the day, but I am managing it with Pilates, exercise and a bit of massage and I can now wear all my normal shoes.

    I have just started a 12 month course of immunotherapy every 6 weeks.

    Good luck with your procedure and your onward journey.

  • Hi Wobbles,

    What do you mean by a 1cm WLE if I may ask.

    I’ve seen different measurements mentioned about WLE’s.  Is it the length of the cut or the distance around a mole/spot etc 

    All a learning curve. Learn something new every day Thumbsup

  • Hi, this is how I understand it.  Imagine cutting an oval out in a piece of paper, now draw another oval xcm wider than the original oval and cut that out, that what a WLE means. The X cm depends on what stage of cancer you have. Other people may be able to explain it better than I can. 

  • Ok, I’ve had 2 WLE’s already and now waiting on a 3rd as a precaution. Just had an op ti remove a further 2 lumps so that’s why the need for another WLE.

    I have paperwork somewhere with sizes but never understood the wordings. 
    thanks for info.

  • Hello Redlis.

    Just reading your post and I find I'm in a similar position. I went to the GP about getting a sebaceous cyst removed from my head and casually mentioned if she would have a quick look at a mole I had one on the bottom of my leg. That was 3 wks ago. Yesterday I was told it's stage 1b so now I'm waiting for the next steps. It was a huge shock. How are you doing? How are things going? Kind regards