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I had a phone call yesterday saying the hospital had received the results from my biopsy and was I ok coming in on Tuesday to get them. I asked could I be given them over the phone before then and was told no, I had to see a nurse to,get them. It's worrying enough waiting for them, it's even worse knowing the hospital have them, but due to policy and procedures I have to spend another 4 days worrying what they are. Rant over. 

  • Hi Redlis, it's the worst time isn't it when you're waiting for results.  There's no point in me saying don't worry and it's not serious as you must be worried silly and panicking.  Sometimes it is just proceedure, jobs worth and all that.  If you can try and keep busy, distract yourself by any means possible.   I hope the four days go quickly for you and fingers crossed for good news. X