Targeted Therapy

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  • 49 subscribers

I was diagnosed with Advanced Melanoma in early September 2022.  I am currently taking Braftovi and Mektovi with some success.  Is anyone else receiving this treatment.  I am keeping this post deliberately brief since I am not sure how the posting system works.

  • Just to add that I have included more details my profile.  I would very much appreciate hearing from anyone else with Advanced Melanoma who has the BRAF gene and is receiving targeted therapy.  Thank you.

  • Hi

    My partner in currently taking Braftovi and Mektovi ( Enco and Bini) since May 2022 on the full dose. His dose was reduced in August 2022 as he got a high temperature of 40.7° and was hospitalised.

    The enco and bini ( with some time previously taking dab and tram) removed 3 tumours.

    Another small tumour was found at his last scan in the portacaval lymph node. He is just starting 10 doses of radiotherapy to treat this, and will then continue on enco and bini.

    Hope this helps if you have any further questions or concerns please come back. If you read my profile this will give you his background up to date.


  • Hi Margyy.  Thank you very much for your response.  I have only had the Braftovi and Mektovi.  I was told they work faster than the immunotherapy drugs and my melanoma was spreading very quickly.  I had a lot of bother with my digestive system when I started and have had the same as your partner (sore swollen joints etc) but now seem to be more or less side effect free (fingers crossed).  Getting my next CT scan in mid March so that will be interesting.  Certainly the huge lump under my chin has more or less disappeared.  I do hope the radiotherapy works well for your partner.  Also, take care of yourself.  It is very difficult to watch a loved one going through all this. Tbh, I think it might be harder to be the partner than the patient.  I say this from experience since my other half was diagnosed 7 years ago and we had some very scary moments.  Tare care.

  • Sorry to hear about your other half having had cancer as well. It does tend to take over your lives, & has certainly changed our future plans. But we try to go out for a walk, even having a coffee and cake as a treat, and I do yoga and meditation which I find helps too.

    Good luck with your next scans.

    My partner has had 2 doses of radiotherapy another 8 to go. We are crossing our fingers that we can soon ring "the bell".


  • Hello ! I’m also on this treatment, full dose. I’ve seen relatively good results so far. I’ve been on since feb 22 and have seen shrinkage across all my tumors. I’ve recently been experience some irregularities in my skin ( like the melanoma is in the tissue but in my body it’s disappearing) all very strange ! Side effects wise I’ve been managing uveitis. Whilst not ideal it’s easier to manage than some other treatments I’ve had ! 

  • Thank you for your response and sorry the you are having problems with your eyes.  It is good to know that your treatment is still working more than a year on.  Long may that continue.    I have just (since Wednesday) developed double vision which is really weird although if I put a patch over one eye (doesn't matter which) I can see properly.  Seeing an eye specialist tomorrow so will see (pun not intended) if anything can be done.  I'm also getting the results of my March CT scan tomorrow. Quite nervous about that.  Take care.