Diagnosed in November

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I found out in November that I had stage 2b. I’ve finally got a date for WLE and SLNB on 2nd of March. I’ve spent the last few months worrying. Nervous about surgery. I’ve not had any issues with my health until now. I work as a dementia specialist nurse in a care home. I feel like I’m being a bit of a wimp and every now and again I have a wobble! My lesion is on the inside upper left arm. How long is the recovery period after surgery? How long will I need off work? I was reluctant to have the SLNB because I may need them! My family persuaded me. I’m also having issues with my blood pressure, I think it’s because I’m anxious. I’m a bit disappointed with the support I’ve received. It’s almost 3 months and only now have my Gp surgery asked if I need any support. Now I’ve vented! Any info or similar experiences will be gratefully received xx

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I was diagnosed with melanoma stage 2a in my upper left arm in November 2016 and had my WLE and SLNB in February 2017. Like you, I was nervous about having surgery as I'd never had a general anaesthetic before and didn't like the idea of having a cannula put in my hand. However, the whole team from the nurses to the surgeon were very empathetic and put me totally at my ease. 

    I had already stopped working at this time so didn't have to worry about going back to work. However, at my pre-op I was given a leaflet which explained how soon I could do things like drive, heavy lifting, etc and, from memory that was about 2 weeks.

    Have you had your pre-op yet? If you have and you weren't given this information then please give your CNS (cancer nurse specialist), sometimes referred to as a keyworker, a call as she should be able to give you current information as I had my ops 6 years ago now.

    By the time I went for my results and check-up two weeks later I had full mobility in my arm and, if I had been working, I would have been able to return to work.

    I had no problem with the SLNB. Do remember, that they usually only remove one sentinel lymph node, and not all of them, so it shouldn't cause you any problems. I've had another 2 sentinel lymph nodes removed since then from the same armpit and again haven't experienced any problems since.

    No one from my GP surgery has ever rung me to see how I am after either my melanoma or more recent breast cancer diagnosis. From speaking to others I don't think it's usual for the practice to phone patients to see how they are getting on, probably because we are assigned a CNS to contact if we need advice or support.

    I'm happy to chat further or answer any questions you might have


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  • Thank you so much for replying. Had my pre op in January they had no idea about anything. Another case of NHS stuff going to private companies I think. It was in a large type GP surgery in Sheffield. I suppose I’ll just have to see how I feel after the surgery. Hopefully I’ll be ok after a few days. Thank you so much for replying xx

  • Sorry to read that the staff at your pre-op weren't informative  . Do give your CNS a call as she'll know all about WLEs and SLNBs and how long you will need off work. 


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"