How long is normal to get referral to oncologist?

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

I understand there may be a level of triaging and backlog to deal with, but I'm anxious to hear more about what will happen to me.

Last week I got the results from my SNLB - positive in the one node. However it appeared to be a small amount and had not begun to move into the other nodes. 

I was told I would be referred to the oncology team near me asap and to hear from them in a few weeks, as there would be a window between having the surgery and receiving immunotherapy or whatever treatment they want to give me. (this was last week on tuesday, today being thursday)

Then yesterday I had a call from the skin cancer nurse based at the surgeons hospital responding to an email I sent of my stitches, so I asked her about the referral and potential wait. She confirmed it had been sent off the day before (on tuesday, exactly a week after I was given my SLNB results). Why did it take a week to send that when it was apparently a matter of some urgency?

I didn't ask her that of course but that sent me off on a worry. I have more scans coming up, another referral for the gyno about an ovarian teratoma that appeared on another scan which I still haven't heard from. It's all quite stressful I just would really like to have more information about what all these next steps will look like.

Probably a useless question, but does anyone else have experience with how long this referral process took for them?

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that your SLNB results have come back positive and I can understand why you want to find out how soon it should be before you see an oncologist.

    I can't help with your questions but, as you hadn't had any replies yet, I've had a look in the group to see who's recently posted about having treatment after a positive result and found  . I've 'tagged' them into this reply and hope they'll pop on and share their experiences of waiting times with you.


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  • Hi, sorry to hear you are getting stressed about the wait. Know how you feel when you get lots going on thru your head but rest assured they will be working as quickly as they can. I had a 2nd lump removed last August 2022, quickly followed by a WLE under local anaesthetic in September. A referral was sent in August and I received contact in November with a CT scan already booked. They then arranged a further PET Scan in December to give them the pics etc to decide my fate. Contacted me few days before New Year to say Operation was the best way to go. I felt like time stopped with the waiting but my Macmillan Skin Nurse at the Hospital did all the communication for me, didn’t want me having that stress. Maybe a chat with your hospital contact and tell them your worry. Talking always helps. I hope you find some positivity soon.