Numbness No feeling

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  • 50 subscribers

Good evening, Happy new year to you all. Please can I ask for advice? I have had surgery on the 6th of December 22 removal of my limph nodes below my right ear so it can be biopsy and a larger cut where my melanoma was removed a few weeks before. I still have no feeling on my right side of my face and constant sore throat on my right side and a painful right ear? I’m quite scared on what I should do? If anyone can shed any light that would be helpful 

kindest regards 


  • Hi my husband I think had similar surgery. Firstly I would say it is early days. Try not to overthink and what seems either very painful or numb initially will very likely resolve with time. My husbands neck surgery was early in Oct and initially he had a numb ear , lack of feeling and sensitivity of some areas and hypersensitivity in the shoulder region that he described as feeling as if the skin had been ripped off. He had also had muscle weakness of his lower lip.

    3 months later the majority of these symptoms have gone. Ear feeling is back to normal. He requires no pain relief now although he did in the first 3 weeks. The scar is healing well and he is back doing normal daily activities as before. His lip is improving and not obvious if you do not know

    Nerves are damaged in the surgeries and this damage and subsequent nerve repair can present in a variety of different ways pain numbness altered sensations.

    Hopefully like my husband who had a neck dissection removing all lymph npdes from the right side of his neck, a 4 hour surgery you will be pleasantly suprised at the recovery ability of the human body given time.

    Good luck in fighting this horrid cancer.

  • Good morning thank you very much for your reply. I think I’ve over worried. 

  • You are welcome. As a serial overthinker and strategic planner who has a tendancy to research and by doing so terrify myself in all aspects of life I can empathise on every level.

    Much of the battle against melanoma is also mental. I hope by saying that I am not belittling any physical wounds.

    Best wishes

  • I had my wide local excision in November around 7 weeks ago and my throats only just recovered, it used to hurt all the time and especially if I sneezed. It’s feeling much better now though. X