Waiting times

  • 7 replies
  • 51 subscribers

It's only a week since my diagnosis, I feel like I'm in some kind of bubble that seems divorced from the life I know. I'm just wondering about waiting times, how long should i wait from diagnosis to seeing the consultant to WLE and SLNB surgery, to getting results. 

  • I got my diagnosis at the end of July. I can’t remember exactly how long it was before I spoke to the consultant but I had a phone appt with him about 2 or 3 weeks after diagnosis for him to run through what they wanted to do and get my agreement. He then put me on a waiting list for the op and I had that early October. I was told to contact if I had any additional new symptoms I was worried about in the time I was on the waiting list and I assume I would have been bumped up if something like that had happened. Waiting seems to vary but it is indeed the worst part and I know exactly how you feel. Try to take your mind off it if you can and take it a day at a time. Easier said than done I know. Best wishes

  • Hi, sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, I received my diagnosis mid-October, I had an appointment with the surgeon 2 weeks after diagnosis and I have my WLE & SLNB next week which will be around six weeks from seeing the surgeon.

    I know exactly how you feel the bubble gets better with time, talk to your CNS & Family and keep busy if you can why you wait 

    All the best 

  • Thanks, everything has happened so fast so far and then nothing,  I just want it over with

  • Thanks, I hope everything goes well next week. How are you coping?

  • Thanks, I'm coping well, the first couple of weeks I didn't know where I wanted to be and couldn't believe it was happening, everything I was told at my initial diagnosis didn't sink in, so I wasn't sure what was going on, it helped seeing the surgeon a few weeks later as he really explained my diagnosis and gave me a plan. I have been really busy at work which has helped keep my mind off the waiting.

    I would give your CNS a call for an update if you don't hear anything soon as I didn't receive my surgeon appointment letter due to the post-strike and would have missed it if I didn't call.

    Best wishes 

  • I had my mole removed Sept 1st - met with the plastics team 23rd Sept and had a WLE / SLNB just last Thursday - it feels like a lifetime. Xx