Cancelled WLE and SLNB 48 hours notice

  • 9 replies
  • 51 subscribers

So the hospital waiting list team have just called to cancel my surgery - so disappointing after all the waiting SobSobSob anyone else have this?! They’ve said it could possibly be 7th Dec now. 

  • Oh dear that's hard to take Midnight22.  You get all geared up for the op and can think of nothing else but that then boom, you crash down. More waiting is never easy hon. When did you have your initial biopsy? Have you been waiting a long time?

    I feel for you hon- and the only answer is distraction, do anything to take your mind off it. I had a long wait for mine, well it wanted it asap but had to wait from start of April to July for mine. I just worried the whole time, luckily my alottment kept me a bit occupied. It's always the not knowing that's so hard. Keep busy and it'll come round soon xxx take care

  • So sorry to hear that midnight, that must be so frustrating. Hope the delay is only a short one for you.

  • I had the mole removed September 1st, it is very disappointing and frustrating but just have to wait I guess.  X

  • Hi Midnight 22, I'm so sorry to hear about your cancellation. I know only too well how upsetting and stressful this can be. 

    I had my lymph node removal surgery cancelled twice, both times I went into hospital and waited all day, then to be told there was no bed and was sent home. At first I was angry, but I know the hospitals are under such pressures at the moment. Didn't help much at the time though! I sat and wallowed for a bit but was persuaded to get out and try to enjoy normal things, in my case going out dancing, to try take my mind of things, easier said than done, but it helped to forget about it for a bit.

    I really hope you get another date sorted out soon. It is such a worrying time and delays at the hospital don't help with the worries.

    Take care x

  • Sorry to hear you went through the same thing, just frustrated so close to Christmas and with two young children at home we had plans and everything’s on hold currently until we get a new date - nevermind xxx

  • All sorted now, wasn’t as bad as I’d built it up to be. It was a long day yesterday though. Hope you’re keeping well xxx

  • I definitely know how you feel, mine was postponed with more notice but it’s messed up so many plans. Time off work, going home for Christmas, going back to uni, everything seems up in the air. I hope you hear about a new date soon. 

  • I’ve had it done now, luckily they got me in last week. It’s a stress of having to reorganise everything. Hope you get sorted soon xxx