I’m scared awaiting results of excision!

  • 8 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hello everyone!

I’d like to apologise for the long post!

This is my first time posting here, I’ve been lurking at online forums and been seeking advice from Dr Google for a few days with no clear answers!

In October, we’d been spending time in the garden and my shoulder was unbearable itchy for a few days I asked my husband if it looked like a bite and he said no it’s a mole but it doesn’t look right.

I contacted my GP through their online service and uploaded a photo, within the hour they contacted me and told me that I needed to be seen that day! It measure 6mm, marked each point of the ABCDE and GP advised that I would be referred using 2 week wait.

Once I got to dermatology (about 18 days later) they checked me head to toe with a dermascope, it was now 8mm and she said that “I’m sorry but I can’t be certain it isn’t cancer” and told me it would need removing! I was also sent to medical Illustration for some photographs of my back, I’m a very moley person and I do find it hard to monitor the one’s on my back. 

Within a week, I had a phone call to ask me to attend for excision removal the following day. 

The surgeon was so nice, he explained everything and said we will see what comes back if it comes back as cancer we will remove more of the area and check your lymph nodes but the results could take 4-6 weeks! 

I didn’t ask any questions, I wanted to get out as quickly as possible! I have really bad social anxiety and I am always uncomfortable/awkward when meeting new people. That’s why I find this easier. 

I don’t know how they’ll tell me, will it be at the hospital that it was removed at (via the surgeon), through the dermatologist or will it just be a letter on the portal/ in the post?

I tried to call dermatology to ask but they advised I contact the drs secretary and when I call it goes straight to voicemail but because of my anxiety I can’t leave a voicemail because I don’t know what to ask or say, I know it sounds silly! 

It’s been 8 days since the excision and it’s healing beautifully but the wait is killing me, I can’t sleep and it’s taking over my life wondering when they contact me! I have 2 young boys and a teenage girl who are keeping me busy, but I darent speak about it at home to anyone as I don’t want to worry them unnecessarily.

thanks for reading

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Waiting for results can be very hard and my best advice, having had my fair share of waiting over the years, is to immerse yourself in doing things that you enjoy to take your mind away from the 'what ifs'. Do you have any hobbies or pastimes that you enjoy? A lot of people find mindfulness really useful and, if this is something that interests you, clicking here will take you to the NHS page with more information.

    The timescale of 4-6 weeks is the normal length of time it usually takes for biopsy results to be reported on. This was the case even before Covid put an increased pressure on the pathology labs.

    As to how you'll be told, that depends on the protocol for your hospital. When I was diagnosed with melanoma, my results were given to me face-to-face by my dermatologist but that would have been the case if the results were good or bad. So don't worry that if you get a face-to-face appointment, it automatically means that you have melanoma.

    Do come back to ask any further questions and to let us know how you get on. 

    Sending virtual (((hugs)))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Sorry for the late reply! Thank you for taking your time to respond, I’ve been trying to keep busy and in the day it definitely helps.  

    unfortunately I’ve got an infection and it’s so painful, in my shoulder and under my arm I can barely life my arm but these antibiotics should see me right.

    I called the secretary still no results (was wishful thinking really)! I had an update on the mft app today and I am unsure what it is or what it means? I’ve added a screenshotin the hope someone will be able to please help as I am worried of ringing the hospital the secretary is in twice a week and I don’t want her to get fed up of me. 

    thank you Blush 

  • Hi Jen unfortunately results are anywhere between  4-6 weeks!! Are the antibiotics working for your scar? 

  • Yes they advised me 4-6 weeks. It was just wishful thinking really. 

    The antibiotics do seem to be doing the trick which is great and I’m sure I’ll soon be on the mend! 

    thanks for replying

  • Sorry to read that you've got an infection but hopefully the antibiotics will sort it out soon.

    I don't know what a 250H Vitamin D test is I'm afraid. My consultant did ask my GP to run a blood test to check that my Vitamin D levels were okay as staying out of the sun can mean that you become deficient. Maybe this is what this test is.

    Rather than ring your consultant's secretary to ask you could ring your SCNS, as part of their role is to answer any questions you might have.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I am sorry to ask but what is SCNS? 

    sorry for all the questions 

  • I have skin cancer. PT2A diagnosed in sept. Mole removed in Sep and WLE is a week Monday. I’ve had a vitamin d blood test - it’s just to check as we won’t be getting our Vit d from the sun anymore so need to be checked. Mine was normal.

    You got this x

  • Hi  

    Don't worry about asking questions, it's what the forum is for.

    SCNS stands for Skin Cancer Nurse Specialist and you should have been assigned one when you were diagnosed with melanoma. They are your point of contact at the hospital to answer any questions you might have and to address any worries or concerns. Sometimes they are referred to as a 'key worker'. They are also the person you would contact if you notice any new moles or lesions that you are concerned about in between your 3 monthly check-ups.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"