4 month result wait!!!

  • 4 replies
  • 50 subscribers

This has been ongoing since April. Long story short I went to doc about mole on the back of my shoulder, she said nothing to worry about imminently (even though I'd told her it had changed) so put me on v long dermatology wait list. I went back in July as it had changed colour and shape. Thankfully saw a different doctor who put my on the 2 week wait list for photography. 6 weeks later I had pictures taken. It was decided it needed taking out ASAP. I waited 2 months. 

Yesterday I had it removed and have had a significantly large area taken away. I nearly fainted it was very invasive. Doctor told me I was down for urgent results but because of the covid backlog there is a 4 month wait.

I've kept quite calm and put it to the back of my mind. But since yesterday I feel very emotional, anxious and scared. 4 months is such a long time. I have a 1 year and I'm so scared I won't be around to see her. My uncle has just passed away from cancer so maybe that's why I'm the way I am

I wish I'd known the wait was this long. I'd have gotten a loan and paid privately for my own peace of mind Pensive

  • Hi Rosa,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation.  Mine also started with a mole on my back but from the size, colour and shape the GP thought it was likely a problem from the outset.  If your doctor said you had nothing to worry about imminently, I think you can take some comfort from that?  Also you are bound to feel a bit shocked and wounded after the surgery if it was only yesterday! I know I did and it certainly took a couple of weeks to feel better and six weeks plus for the excision to heal up.

    The waiting is inevitably a worrying time but I have found reading the posts on this forum really helpful.  Also the messages and contact I have had from others undergoing a similar journey has been very supportive. 

    Best wishes


  • Hi Ed,

    Thank you so much for getting back to me. If you don't mind me asking what was your prognosis? Did you have further treatment. 

    I've put it off for such a long time, I'm trying to take comfort in the first GP's advice. But unfortunately there was a student doctor in with me yesterday whom the doctor performing the excision kept making remarks. It didn't help my anxiety x

  • Hi Rosa,

    I have not asked and I think that is inevitably an unknown anyway. I do know I am at stage 3B and I do know what the stats are. I therefore see the odds as being in my favour.  

    I am about to start immunotherapy - tomorrow in fact!  I am feeling very positive about having the treatment, albeit there may be side effects.  

    I think if there was a student doctor in with you yesterday you can feel assured that that doctor performing the excision would have been very thorough and detailed in their narrative.  We all want student doctors to learn as much as possible.

  • Hi rosa

    sorry to hear about your situation. Mines very similar, large mole on shoulder, removed immediately, tested and came back as 1a so I’m waiting the WLE. I was v emotional after the initial surgery, but now plan is in place I feel better. The waiting has been the hardest though and I understand you feeling worried. The main thing is your mole is out and anything further will be your treatment plan, if needed. I wish you all the best and try not to worry, I know it’s hard x