Recurrence and fear

  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I only finished treatment end of August and have just had my first set of scans since then.  Already I've "activity" in neck lymph glands!  The ultrasound dept beat the melanoma specialist nurse to the post by ringing at 0830!  So I was immediately on edge- please can I come and have my neck nodes looked at tomorrow, yes of course I will.  On one hand I'm glad the system and my oncologist react so quickly even though I've been bumped back to the dermatologist but I'm already thinking the worst.  What's next? Brain mets? Neck dissection? ? Death?  How on earth will I live like this? Worrying continually that it's recurring?  

  • Hi  Allottment lover.

    As scary as it is you have given this advice to so many others over time.   You have a plan of tests and possible treatments so that's good. Now think about what you enjoy most and go and do some of it. Have you planted your garlic yet? Are your broad beans sown? Is the allottment tidy and have you things that need harvesting? Have you ordered next years seeds? In the last few days I've sown my broad beans and my garlic is beginning to sprout. I'm sure you don't need any advice on managing your allottment but go out and enjoy it.You know it makes sence after all.

    I hope you get some positive results soon.

    Very best wishes

  • You're absolutely right Lynskey thank you Heart

    Just getting beds ready for onions and need to order garlic. Still have so much growing still!

    Had the CT today. Just fills me with sadness though, these worries.  I can almost see my path ahead of me. I am so tired of " being brave" and coping. My duvet never looked so good

  • Sending a big hug to have been so strong through your journey so far  ,this is knock back for you but I hope after a duvet day .you manage to get your strength back to fight this cruel illness.i hope you will feel up to another day in your allotment which you love and hear the birds singing .good luck with the CTscan .thinking of you