Update on Pembro

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  • 50 subscribers

Just thought I would give a little update.

Diagnosed stage 3 after removing spot on upper arm, WLE carried out and margins clear, CT and MRI scan also clear.

Started Pembro - had 2 doses so far 6 weeks apart.  

Feel totally fine so far but do worry about side effects starting and me becoming a weaker version of myself.

Waiting on recent CT scan results, this will be my second, and really hoping it doesn't show anything.

I worry about becoming unwell and the impact this will have on my family.

I realise I am in a better place than some and don't want to seem ungrateful.

I feel fit and am able to live a normal life.  Just in the back of my head I always wonder when things will take a turn for worse and how much time I will have 

  • Hi Dan,

    I was diagnosed stage 3 in early 2020 after removing a melanoma on my shoulder. Received the Pembro/keytruda  regimen for one year. Subsequent CT scans and PT scans affirmed a cancer-free and complete remission diagnosis. I never felt weaker or diminished, but I do definitely understand those thoughts that dwell in the back of your head. Hang in there and trust the system, my friend. Eat right, exercise, sleep well and keep a good attitude are my best advice. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  • Hi Danielle, hoe you don't mind me replying as I'm from the womb group. After a recurrence after my hysterectomy I had 6 cycles of chemo which appeared to have zapped the little blighters to nothing discernible, but I knew as my cancer's a grade 3 serous it'd come back. I did, so I've been offered Pembrolizamub and Lenvatinib which I'll start in 3/4 weeks' time.

    All of us here have similar thoughts I just "carpe diem" 

    I've sent you a friend request so we can perhaps keep in touch.

    Hugs, Barb x

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Great to hear you are doing well.  I do need to look at my diet, I normally eat well but could improve on the snacks.  Got weighed today and had put on couple pounds so need to nip that in the bud.

  • Just read your profile    You have not had an easy time, hopefully, the new treatment will work wonders.

    I have only had two infusions of Pembro so far which have been very straightforward.  Hope yours goes equally well.

    I try to live for the moment but every now and again those horrible thoughts take over.  I had to visit Beatson today for check-up and was hoping my latest scan results would have been in, sadly not yet.  I worked myself up all morning as was fearing the worst.  

    Tomoz is not guaranteed and I should be grabbing life for both hands whilst I can.  I work full time but would give it up if someone told me I would not be here in say 5 years or that in 6 months I would become poorly.

    Sadly there is no magic wand to take all this away and it is now learning to accept what is ahead and make the most of it, hopefully in all of this I will become strong and able to fight the demons.

  • Hi Danielle, may I ask do you just have the 1/2 hour infusion then go home or do you have to wait a while for observation? Can you drive yourself? 

    When I had chemo I arrived at the chemo suite at 10.00 and left at 16.30 with 3/4 hr travel either side! So this's got to be better and I'll keep my hair - though I do admit I love it short and spikey, would never dreamt of this style at 69 years young!

    I know that sadly there's no magic wand. It's 2 years to the day since I had my hysterectomy. I had no idea how things would turn out as no doubt did you. Life's hard but I make the most of it. This is my last chance saloon as chemo only worked for a short time.

    I bought something at a garden centre last month. It says "I'm sorry, my give a shit fairy just died" and it does make me smile. I seem to have developed a rather dark sense of humour - but I'm glad it's still there!

    Can I ask what is Tomoz? 

    Hugs to you, Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Barb.  After infusion, I normally am fine to just leave and am able to drive with no problem.  Once they start the infusion I am normally in and out within the hour.  Hopefully, you will be the same.

    Praying everything works for you.

    Tomoz means tomorrow  haha

    Sense of humor is important, life is for living and we both need to grab each day as it comes and not worry about what will be.

    Please keep in touch and let me know how your treatment goes.

    I met with my oncologist on Friday and everything is going well, still no results from my scan which was 5 weeks ago.  worked myself up for nothing.  Take it out on my poor husband at times. Disappointed


  • Hi Danielle. That's good to know only an hour.

    That's a long time to wait for a CT scan result. My Onco must have some clout. I had my scan at 5pm on a Thursday and the results were available by the Tuesday morning. I did ask when he made the appointment would they be ready in time and he said yes they would be quite firmly.

    I agree we do work ourselves up with all the waiting, either for an appointment, the actual scan, then the results. I hope yours come through soon and it's good news. Yes hubbies do take a bit of a bashing. It's hit my hubby hard as he always thought I was being a drama queen (defo not in my nature) and to find I've been right all along is difficult. We've been married for 42 years and practiced for 4 years but our bickering keeps things fresh!

    LOL I thought I was up to date with abbreviations!

    I'll let you know when I get a date and how things go, good luck with your continuing treatments.

    Hugs, Barbxx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett