SLNB results

  • 3 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Got biopsy results by phone on Friday 6th May. Been told that the WLE and the node from the right side of my neck were clear, but there was a small cluster of melanoma cells (0.16mm) in the node taken from the left.

As such, I'm now stage 3A but the decision has been made that I don't need any further treatment. Apparently I'll be having a scan as a baseline and then just monitored going forward.

Everyone (family & friends) seems to think this is fantastic news and is saying I should be celebrating but I just feel really mixed about it all.  I know it could be a lot worse and I should be grateful I don't need further treatment but I think I got my hopes up that everything would be clear.  I think I was looking for closure.  It also feels counter-intuitive that going from being classed as stage 1 to stage 3 would be good news.

Does anyone have a similar story to tell or advice to give that might help process it?

Cheers, Andy

  • Hi Andy.  Sorry to hear about your biopsy results and I think I would feel the same in your situation. I’ve looked at the NICE guidelines and they do say that no adjuvant therapy is offered for stage 3a
    Have you spoken to your consultant about the thinking behind this decision? Presumably the risk of spread from 3a melanoma is quite low for this to be the recommended course of action.  Throughout my treatment I’ve found that speaking with the consultant and being able to ask questions has really helped put my mind at rest.  Take care and I hope someone else on the forum with more experience can help put your mind at rest x

  • Andy,

    I can see why you have mixed emotions, it’s not quite the comfort you needed, but great the experts think you don’t need any further treatment. When you see them ask lots of questions and if you are not happy it might be wise calling a specialist helpline to talk through what you been told so far, just to sense check it..

    Do you know what your Mitotic rate was?  Talking to a consultant last week he said no ulceration and 0 mitotic rates were good signs. If you have 0 or a low mitotic rate that maybe another reason your medical team are comfortable  with no further treatment.


  • Hey Andy,

    How has it been going since this last post?

    Did you get any treatment in the end?

    I am currently in this situation, where they found 0.2mm of reactive cells in one out of 5 lymph nodes taken out, with no signs of spreading.

    All CT scans came clear.

    The doctor told me as its so small, based on new treatments and studies, this is treated like negative result.

    Only ultrasound monitoring every 4 months and yearly CT scan.

    How has it been going for you? 

    Hope everything went fine!

