DAB and Tram stop and start

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I started my treatment eight weeks ago, I have had the nausea, headache, high temperatures, joint pain, and now a skin rash. I have had three breaks. One of 48 hours the other two of nearly a week each.  Is there anyone out there that has had more stop and starts or had to come off the treatment.  Feeling I am a complete failure.

  • Oh  I was just reading your bio - what a time your partner has had - so sorry to hear that.

    Like you I find this community really helpful in seeing how others are getting on and learning from their experience. I hope he turns a corner and starts to feel better soon: and that you manage to get away for a break! Take care Julia x 

    1. Hiya 

    Oh bless you, what a few weeks you have had. Firstly, you are not a failure - many of us who have had Dab and Tram have not had a smooth, easy time of it. Sometimes (wrongly) there is a perception that this is the easier of the treatment options and this is not always the case. Your body is responding to serious medication and it will respond differently to other people and also as the year goes on. On top of alL of this we go through treatment after having surgery and we have to deal with a cancer diagnosis - it is tough. 

    i took Dab and Tram as an adjuvant treatment for 12 months - I’m stage 3c. 

    I ended up in hospital a few times with high temps and half way through I had hepatitis and so for the final half of my treatment I was on 75% dose after a month’s break. I was told that if that didn’t work they would reduce it further as it was adjuvant treatment. I did worry but I thought even been on it for a short while was good. 

    I had skin rashes, joint pain and felt exhausted . I’m 42 but often would say I felt 82 and I did blame myself sometimes but now I am off treatment (5 months since stopping) I feel really well. My energy has returned and I realise how amazing my body was to have coped - yes, I had to have treatment breaks and reduced doses but it got me through.

    as much as you can take things day by day, talk to your team about any side effects and rest as much as you can. I used to feel guilty about housework - why couldn’t I clean behind the furniture (why did I care about this lol!!)  etc - but you know what it waited for me until I finished my treatment when my energy levels were back. I can now walk over 10,000 steps a day, I am losing the weight I put on (no one told me this might happen and  I put on a stone and a half) and I’ve started Pilates to build my muscles back. If someone had told me last year that this was possible I would not have believed it.  

    I have just had my first post-treatment scans back and they are all clear so I am grateful to Dab and Tram but at the same time they did make me feel so rough at times - I guess that was them doing their job. 

    lots of love to you and your partner and please never feel like a failure, you are going through a lot and getting through each day is a success and something to be proud of (that’s how I see you as a fellow melanoma-mate!) 


  • Thanks for your reply & information about your experience. It is helpful to read other people's experienced, & also good to know there is some quality of life back after treatment.

    My partner saw his oncologist yesterday and they have decided to try a differented targeted therapy, Enco and Bini. He is stage 4 so needs to keep on some form of treatment. Hopefully the side effects can be tolerated better, and he can continue with this treatment for longer.




  • Hi JosieK

    Thank you for your story, it has given me such a boost to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I have just recovered from the skin rash after having every common side effect there is!  I am now on a reduced dose and nearly completed my first week, fingers crossed I can keep going, not had a scan since February so still very nervous the next scan is not due until August so it is tough not knowing what is going on.  Just hope it all turns out ok.  It is lovely to hear everyone’s journey and the positive way everyone try’s to help.

    Thank you again and best wishes for the future.


  • Hi Margyy

    So pleased to hear your partner is trying another treatment, and I wish him well and every success.  Stay positive and keep going, thinking of you.

    All my best wishes.
