Treatment options

  • 2 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi, has anybody been given the option of either pembro or dab/tram? I was originally told I’d be going on pembro after I had surgery (neck dissection) I’ve had the surgery now, they took 21 lymph nodes & only 1 had melanoma in, 

so I’m in the situation of having to decide what treatment is best for me, any advice please?

  • Hi , I never got the choice between pembro or Dam/tram but I am currently on pembro ( every 6 weeks for a year ). I had 4 tiny nodes removed  from my ear area and 2 contained tiny traces of melanoma. 
    As for pembro so far so good I have had 6 doses of the 9 that I am due to have. 

    having to decide … only decision they left me with was pembro for a year as a “Mop up” procedure incase anything was hiding away ready to grow or no treatment and a wait n watch scenario for a year. 

    good luck x 

  • Hi ladybagpuss….just checking in to say Hi…I am on Pembro 3rd dose next week…and tolerating well with no side effects at present except a little tiredness…I was advised that DAB/Tram would be held in reserve and Pembro given as first option which I was happy to take advice of Oncologist…I’m thinking everyone’s case is different and the best option will be weighed up for you in advance ….my only decision on the day was whether to accept treatment or not and for me it was a ‘no brained’….let us know how you get on x