Dabrafenib and Tramatenib

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Partner has been on Dabrafenib and Tramatenib highest dose nearly  4 months each month roundabout day 10 he gets chills rigours high temperatures and blood pressure drops he then stops between 1-2 days and starts again and then been ok apart from sickness and fatigue his white blood cells have dropped twice. This month has been the worse for chills/rigors and high temperatures, just spoken to oncologist they are now going go drop the dose after a break the weekend his white blood cells are ok which he had done today so clearly the medication that’s causing the side effects. Just wondering if anyone has had to drop the dose and if so for how long ?. Thank you all.

  • Hi Nanny Stan

    My partner was on a high dose of dab and tram for almost 3 months September to December 2021. He then developed shivers shakes, fever and high temperature. He had a break for about 2 weeks, and then restarted on a lower dose. After almost 3 weeks the shivers, shakes, fever and high temperature returned  so he stopped again, then restarted after about a week. This time the shivers, shakes  fever and high temperature came back straight away. These episodes occurred with infections. He has now stopped dab and tram to sort out the infection. He is due his cancer scans next week, to see if the cancer has returned, and then to discuss a treatment plan for either restarting dab and tram or another targeted therapy.


  • Hi Marggy thank you for your reply, sorry to hear about your partner. When my partner had the tremors and high temperatures the first time he did have an infection the second time his bloods dropped again but no infection and now third time bloods are fine no infection and bloods ok but oncologist has now said they will drop the dose so we will see what happens hopefully it will be ok. The only thing that has been found on his PET scan is a lymph node in his neck that is slightly enlarged but they say nothing to worry about but they will keep checking. I hope your partners scans are good and hopefully starts a therapy soon. Take care