  • 36 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

Things have moved fast since last week when I was "lost in the system"..I got a phone call Tuesday with an appointment for yesterday. I saw the plastic surgeon not the best experience .

Sometimes I feel it's been like pushing water up hill. I feel he did his best to dissuade me from having the SLNB but I said if that was what the MDT recommended then that is what I would do. I have always had faith and trust in my dermatology consultant.

However today I got another phone call with a date for the operation 18th January! I am relieved yet scared and nervous. 

So the next step is imminent!

UPDATE 14th January 

I have now had my MRSA swab (yesterday) COVID test on Sunday hopefully all will be clear ready for the operation on Tuesday. Trying to keep busy, moor walking, gardening etc  Been having a go at Thai Chi (YouTube) which is actually quite good. Although I probably look like a plump Panda rather than a slim bamboo wafting in the breeze. 

Good luck to everyone waiting for results or their ops. X

  • Hi Anne1536. I’m so pleased to hear things are finally moving in the right direction for you! I know what you mean about the whole waiting time process as mine seems to have been an eternity to get to this point - my WLE is end of next week. I’m not having the SLNB as I’m stage 1A but I’m still very nervous and want it done and dusted. I hope all goes well for you on the 18th. The only way I can alleviate my anxiety for the op is to think hopefully after this that’ll be it apart from check ups. Just one more surgery to go. I’m having local anaesthetic so I’m hoping I’ve someone to keep my mind occupied during the procedure. Take care of yourself & good luck!! x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kaussie

    Hi Kaussie,

    Good luck for next week! Hope it all goes well, I feel the same just want it done and hopefully dusted! As you will be awake hopefully someone will be chatting to you whilst it's being done. Our next worry will be the waiting for the results so we will be in the same boat again. Let me know how it goes.

  • Thank you for the good luck message. Yes, the results. I’m trying not to think too much about that atm but I know it’ll start as soon as I’ve had the operation. I was told it will be about 4 weeks ish, they were quite positive that they’ll come back clear but it’s always in the back of your mind that it might not be. Best of luck to you for your op. I’m hoping I’ll be able to chat with a nurse when I’m having it done. Take care x 

  • Hi

    I have just been diagnosed with type 1b melanoma and now have to go for a WLE and SLNB. Have been told it may be weeks before I have it and I may go crazy waiting for the procedure and then another wait for the results. 

    Have joined the forum as I know there will people in the same situation and going through the same thing and dealing with the shock.

  • Hi Der22. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been diagnosed with melanoma. This is a great site to vent and ask for support. I was diagnosed with stage 1A in November and due my WLE next week. The waiting process is horrendous as you well know. I seemed to have waited ages to get to this point. I hope you’re wait isn’t too long. Take care x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to DER22

    Hi Der22,

    Sorry to hear you have received the melanoma diagnosis. It's such a shock isn't it and you almost expect to wake up from a dream.

    I am the same stage as you 1b. As you will see on this forum we all find the wait for the results stressful with our minds running away with us.

    The best advice I can give is to try and occupy yourself as much as possible with whatever you like doing.

    Have a look at my profile if you like. I waited 6 weeks to get my outpatient appt with the plastic surgeon but then things have moved a lot quicker. Apparently the pathway from your outpatient appt to the operation is 31 days. I asked the cancer nurse and that was her reply.I have been given my date well within that.

    I am spending the time now getting "operation fit" trying to lose the Christmas pounds. So that is a focus for me at the moment which is helping.

    In the meantime share your worries with the forum, honestly there are some lovely people here who have helped me so much.

    Take care xx

  • Dear Kaussie

    Thanks for replying. Wishing you the best for your WLE next week.

    Yep the waiting is the worst part but I guess this is something I am going to have to get used to from reading some of the forum messages! 

    Some hospitals let you bring in headphones to listen to music during your procedure..might be worth considering?

    Keep in touch and let me know how it goes


  • Thanks Anne156.  

    I too have to shed a few Christmas pounds but with the stress of all this is suspect it won’t be as hard as normal to lose some weight!!!

    I think you’re right about distractions. I took a few days leave after getting my diagnosis on Wednesday but am going back to work on Monday as can’t be having too much more thinking time right now.

    I am awaiting the appt with the plastic surgeon  now to discuss the WLE and SLNB and to do the pre op etc so it is handy to know from you that the procedure should be within a month or so.

    Am seeing the cancer nurse next week and have lots of questions. I didn’t really take it all in and didn’t have anyone with me at the appt to act as a 2nd set of ears. I think it would have been helpful to have been told to bring someone with me but never mind.

    it’s really interesting to see other peoples’ reaction when you talk to them about your diagnosis. Some absolutely get it but some have been a bit like ‘Why are you so worried, they have caught it quickly and is more than likely curative’. Did you experience that?

    Wishing you all the very best for your op and keep in touch.

    DER222 xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to DER22

    Hi Der22,

    Going back to work sounds like a good idea as that will provide you with other things to focus on. 

    I am retired so didn't have that option but for the first time since I danced out of the door on retiring I missed the interaction and routine that my job entailed.

    I know what you mean about the second pair of ears. I didn't have a very good meeting with the plastic surgeon. Don't let that worry you though I am sure that's not the case normally. I so wish my husband could have been there. My hospital isn't allowing that at all due to COVID. Yes I did find people's reactions difficult at times.I supported my best friend through breast cancer. She is a dear but just can't get her head around what melanoma is. I have found that quite hard. My husband who is a lovely man has struggled to understand aspects like the WLE and SNLB what they are for etc. I find myself trying to shield him. My daughter who works for the NHS avoids talking about it yet my son has proven to be a strength. It has  been interesting to say the least. I haven't told many people though.

    I will keep in touch and hope you hear more soon.


  • Reading this thread and particularly Anne 1536's last comment about not telling many people I have done exactly the opposite. I found that telling all and sundry about my condition helped me greatly. Just getting it out in the open just means friends and acquaintances don't ask questions like - 'why are you wearing factor 50 barrier creams in winter?, what are those strange bits of cycling kit you've got on?, why don't you want to sit outside in the sun?  etc..The very fact that we write on this forum is a way of telling like minded people of how we cope with things but telling people we are close to can be very different.I hope everyone who writes on this forum has a positive New Year and that things go well.
