WLE Follow Up

  • 7 replies
  • 51 subscribers

I had my WLE on the 20th December, and post-op wound clinic on the 30th, I’ve received two additional appointments through and a little concerned if this is normal or if it’s a sign that additional treatment is required. The additional appointments are with plastics on 7th and dermatology on the 18th. It was my understanding that I would get results on the 7th but now I’m confused. 

  • I would be too hon if I got those thrown at me.  After my initial WLE and SLNB in July I had to wait some weeks before seeing the surgeon again who gave me my bad news re lymph infiltration.  Plastics are involved I guess if the WLE was in an awkward place I think and you might need tidying up surgery to the wound or you had a skin graft.  The dermatology appt I would think is where you'll get the results. The WLE is to cut out a margin all around the mole site to see if there is local spread and to collect any stray malignant cells around. This will hopefully minimise the risk of spread.  I presume you have a low stage diagnosis as you've not had a SLNB (sentinel lymph node biopsy).

    I would ring your dermatology dept to clarify tomorrow so you don't get any surprises. X

  • Plastics did my WLE because it required a flap skin graft as it’s on my wrist, and I assumed I’d just have an appointment for results but don’t get why I have two separate appointments. 

  • I think the dermatology letter will maybe for your 3 monthly slim check ups? 

  • Hello KFaythe,  I can’t really comment much as l haven’t had my WLE yet, but I’ve already had my appointment through for dermatology beginning of February. I’m due my WLE next week. My plastics nurse said I’d probably get a letter regarding the results, however she did say they would also want to see me a few weeks after my op to check the scar and to teach me how to check my lymph nodes. Your appointments could be the same. K x 

  • Ah that could be it as the letter for Friday came through at the same time as my wound care appointment, so I assume my one on the 18th will possibly be the results Pensive 

    Wishing you heaps of luck with your WLE too, hope you had a lovely Christmas x

  • I’ve already had this through for April (they explained it was due three to four months post op). 

  • Hi. Christmas was nice thank you, hope yours was too?! I do think that’s the reason of the two letters you’ve received. My appointment at dermatology came through only a couple of weeks after being given my diagnosis.  Thanks for the good luck wishes for my WLE. I’m secretly dreading it but trying to put on a brave face. It’s the unknown I don’t like. I’m trying to convince myself it’s similar to the biopsy just going to take longer. keep us updated how you get on x