Lymph node

  • 22 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Looking for some advice.
I am on Pembro and I am due dose 4 just after Xmas. All had been good and a clear body scan in July and a clear ( chest/ abdomen and pelvis ) scan in November really gave me a boost. 

last night when I turned my neck I felt two little lumps ( one is bigger than the other ). These are on the same side as where i had my ear biopsy and 4 nodes removed. Q me being frantic so I saw my gp Today who confirmed it was lymph nodes but couldn’t see any sign of me having an infection etc. 
I am absolutely terrified that it’s now spread into my neck lymph nodes. 
I have to see the oncologist in a weeks time meanwhile I have to monitor the lymph nodes. What could it be other than melanoma having spread ? 

any experience or advice would be appreciated x 

    1. I hope you get some answers soon - so difficult to .   wait without knowing 
  • Thank you so hard not to jump to the worst case scenario x 

  • Amccl, I'm sorry to hear you've felt lumps hon but remember we all felt lumps on our bodies before our diagnosis of melanoma and didn't worry about them.  I've had a neck lump for years and a groin one too?

    Hang in there babe, you're on the good meds and naturally we're all going to be anxious.

    Have you had any vaccine jabs recently?  You may have had a virus which has enlarged the lymph glands there.  It's so hard to not know Amccl, my heart goes out to you. Sending you a hug and some anti-anxious thoughts xx

  • thank you for this reply. I had my second dose in July. So I am clearly panicking but will meet with oncologist on Thursday, and they have requested a head and neck scan. There was a mix up and the scan I had 3 weeks ago didn’t include head and neck …. Very frustrating x 

  • Hi Amccl I am wishing you luck for Thursday. I’ve confused myself reading your profile and catching up on these posts. I saw you had a clear scan in November so I’m hoping your team can say something to either move things on and put your mind at a bit more ease or be more reassuring for you. I like many others know what the waiting is like. Good luck.

    Take care KT

  • yeah I was only scanned 4 weeks ago ( abdomen/ chest and pelvis) all was clear. The lymph nodes I feel that are risen are on my lower neck so unlikely they have shown up in the scan x 
    so oncologist on Thursday for a physical examination and hoping it’s nothing to be alarmed about x 

  • Supposed to read had a full ct scan in July all was clear …. 
    scan I had 4 weeks ago didn’t include my neck and head.

    one week since I found the risen area I think it’s went down a bit x hoping it’s nothing at all c 

  • I hope yesterday went ok for you 

    Take care KT

  • All went well thank you. The oncologist couldn’t feel any lymph  nodes at all . Going for a head and neck scan on Tuesday as last scan didn’t include this area x 

  • Good luck for Tuesday and your wait for results.

    Take care KT