Wle question

  • 33 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hello Slight smile I hope everyone is keeping well. 

I was diagnosed with a stage 1 melanoma in October and was told I would need a wle which would involve a skin graft by the original nurse. I had my appointment with the plastic surgeon last week and they said rather than having the skin graft they think they will be able to stretch my skin to cover the area that needs removing (so sounds like when I had the biopsy). Has anyone had the wle done like this without the skin graft? I am worried that they are removing a smaller area so my still leave some behind and also as the area is on my ankle it will leave the skin in that area too tight for running. 

  • Hi 

    My WLE was on my upper arm and I had 2cm removed all around the original excision site as I was Stage 2a. The plastic surgeon was confident that he would be able to close the site without the need for a skin graft and that is what happened.

    Clicking on this link will take you to the NICE guidelines which tell surgeons how much they need to remove during a WLE. Therefore your surgeon won't be taking less than he should just so that he doesn't have to do a skin graft.

    Just like the original excision biopsy the skin that is removed during the WLE is sent off to the pathology labs so that they can check clear margins were obtained, ie there is a clear margin of skin between any cancer cells and the edge of the wound. If cancer cells were to be found then a further WLE would be done so you don't need to worry about cancer cells being left behind.

    If you are worried that the area of skin will be too tight for running then it would be a good idea to arrange to speak to the plastic surgeon again before your operation to discuss your concerns. If you don't have a direct number for him then give your SCNS a call.

    Let us know how you get on


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Than you for your quick reply and reassuring advice. I’m glad they managed to close the wound up for you without the need for a skin graft, this makes me less worried. I did mention about being worried about running if the area was too tight (it’s right next to the ankle bone) so I’m sure it’s just me over thinking things. I will read through the NICE document you put in your link. He said on the day of the procedure he may do the skin graft if there did any problems, I’m just such a over thinker lol. 

    they said the wle should be in the next 2-4 weeks so will let you know how it goes. 

  • Yes, on the day of my surgery the surgeon did say that he would do a skin graft if there wasn't enough skin but he was confident there would be and, thankfully, there was Slight smile

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi,

    I just had my WLE done down towards my knee on the right side of my thigh and a SLNB in my groin. Basically the ex melanoma wound has moved location a bit from the original excision biopsy as it's stretched around more towards the back of my leg. However, it did this a little after the initial biopsy and eventually it all stretched back. 

    I am usually very active, walking for hours for pleasure and doing 20000 steps at work on a busy shift, so this whole thing has blown my normal routine completely out of the water. When I was recovering from the first op I had to work on the tills in work, and when I went back to lifting I still managed to pull something and got a haematoma that became infected. So this time I am staying off until I'm properly healed, as it was a bigger operation and I can feel that my leg is a lot tighter and needs to heal and re-route the nerves and lymphatics. There's a numbness and a tingling but it's all working itself out as the days go by.

    I can feel myself getting flabby, but I am just doing what my body needs, and relying on meditation (rather than walking for miles) to keep me calm. There will be time to sort myself out and get back to what's normal for me in the future.

    Its normal to feel anxious when a huge part of your coping strategy for stress is taken away right when you need it most (I'm waiting for results so I would love nothing more than to walk all day) - I was trying to walk on the spot for short bursts yesterday just to stop myself going insane from not doing anything :)

    Exercise withdrawal is real. 

    Good luck with your op.

    I feel so much better now mine is over. My wounds are healing now and soon I will be getting back to normal.

    Kate xx

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply, I’m sorry your not able to get back to your normal activities yet but I hope that you will be back out walking soon, like you being active is a big part of my life, I walk with the dog every day and run at least 4 times a week so will miss them while the wound is healing but know that rest will help it heal quicker. 

  • Hi Kels13,

    Exactly the same as you, I was told that I might need a skin graft by my nurse, than plastics surgeon said she is quite confident it'll be OK without it. I had a WLE in September just above my knee, which is quite mobile area, it healed well afterwards, no probs whatsoever. 

    Day on the surgery, one of the junior doctors asked if I know that my scar will be "painful and ugly" and I was bit shocked to the terms he used. Than consultant surgeon arrived and she said that clearly that Dr. missed the class when they teach them how to talk to patients :) She assured me she'll do her best and after the surgery, she told me it went well and will heal nicely.

    So, my advice it to listen to your plastic surgeons as they are the ones performing the surgery every day for many people and will give you the correct info in that. 

  • Oh wow, that’s a bit harsh of the surgeon to put it so bluntly! I’m glad it all went well for you and thank you for the advice, hearing other peoples experiences really help. 

  • Just had a call from the hospital this morning. Have to go for a covid swab on Friday and the isolate until the procedure on Tuesday Grimacing

  • Good to know that it's happening soon


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi this is exactly what I had done on my thigh , was going to go with a graft or skin flap but on the day the surgeon came around took a look at my leg , gave it a shake and said " We can do a normal procedure, we have plenty of leg to work with " ha ha ..That was 2 months ago , got a couple of inch scar on my leg , but as for any real problems , non ..Make sure you mosturise the area to keep it soft , and heals the scare ..good luck .