Excisional biopsy

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  • 53 subscribers

Hi all, I have been meaning to post for a while now but have waited until today after having an excisional biopsy for a referral that was made last September.

I have had a mole for around or over ten years now that changed it's 'architecture drastically around about a year ago, my doctor felt it was suspicious last summer when I was being checked for a breast lump (thankfully), due to covid I have been waiting for the surgery a very long time as I live in the north of Ireland. Unfortunately I feel I have been given very little information on what to be expecting it has been very difficult to get in contact with GP's, apart from to obtain medication for severe anxiety. I am a lone mother and have been finding ithard to function which has resulted in halving to halve my working hours with Christmas around the corner.

The mole itself was constantly changing since mid summer time, in colour, size and was fluctuating between periods of pain itching and bleeding. I have done a lot of research myself and am concerned that I am having night sweats and feeling feverish at times as this would possibly be an indication of spreading.

The biopsy went well today and I am glad the mole is gone! There will be another wait of 4-6 weeks and I suppose I would really like to remain stable for this period as I have been out of my mind with concern. Any advice or anything relatable would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards, Shannon.

  • Hi Shannon…..I saw that you posted some while ago so just wanted to connect to say Hello and you aren’t on your own….there will be others who will come along to probs offer better advice perhaps than I can…..if you look at my profile you will see where it all started for me…the point I’m at now is waiting for oncology appt to discuss adjuvant treatment having had a wide local excision WLE & sentinel node biopsy SLNB…if you look around most of us say the waiting is the hardest thing…whether it’s for a scan, for results or waiting for the next treatment stage…it can be awful and your mind can run riot….just some of the best advice I have been given is…..don’t google as a lot of stuff is out of date or not pertinent to the UK…contact Macmillan for best advice…I’ve used their online chat and their telephone line….hopefully you have been given a number for a cancer nurse contact…if not I would ask….I have also got some counselling via Macmillan as I was struggling to cope with my diagnosis…this has been really helpful…plus just keeping an eye on the forum as so many people here will understand where you are at….take care x

  • Hi Shannon and a second welcome to the online community

    As IvysMum has said, waiting for results is really horrible. I found that immersing myself in things I enjoyed doing helped me stop thinking about the 'what ifs'. Lots of people find mindfulness helpful and if this is something that interests you clicking on this link will take you to the NHS mental health apps page with links to apps some of which are free.

    Something else that I would recommend is to try and just take one step at a time. At the moment you don't know if this mole is a melanoma so try not to let your mind run away with the idea that you have melanoma that has already spread. 

    Although I've had one mole that was a melanoma a more recent mole that was removed this summer wasn't. Take a look at this recent thread started by who was convinced that his mole was a melanoma that had spread. He recently reported back to us that it wasn't melanoma so I hope this helps you to see that not every mole removed will be melanoma. 

    Take care


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks 

    Hi Shannon. I hope you're doing ok and glad the biopsy went well. I was told my results could take 6 to 8 weeks but it came back in just over 3 weeks. I spoke to my consultants secretary who was also very helpful keeping me updated. As has been mentioned, mine came back benign with no cancer cells. I was stumped by this news. I'd convinced myself it was cancer and stage 4. The mole had been growing for over 2 years. It was large (10mm+) tear shaped, had many different shades of brown and no defined edges. Google told me this was definitely melanoma. Google only really brings up the bad stories. Many many moles get removed and are benign even with melanoma characteristics but you don't see it on Google because those people just go on with normal life so little reason to scream about it.

    I'd also convinced myself I was and had night sweats but looking back this was probably just the heading and being stressed with work. Also while waiting for my results I found lots of health issues that pointed to cancer - turns out just coincidence. Stuff I'd normally pass off but my brain linked it all together.

    I really hope you're results are benign. If not the case, my worry and fear drove me to research about skin cancer and I found how much treatment had improved over recent years. So there are many many options. 

    Something that really helped me was speaking to a cancer charity therapist. Macmillan can put you in touch with some in your area. 

    If you want to speak at all please reach out to me. Happy to help.

    All the best and please let us know how you get on. I hope your results come back quickly. 


  • Hello,

    thank you for sharing your worries. I hope that be sharing my story it may help you. I hope my story demonstrates that the wait might not be as long as you expect and that also there is no way of knowing what the result will be so it is best to try and stay distracted.

    i have had 2 moles removed; 1 in 2018 from my back which I had no awareness of but GP saw it when I went to discuss another mole (which was fine) and he checked my whole body. That mole had changed shape and colour but it was removed in hospital under local anaesthetic  and after 3 weeks I got a letter to say it was all clear.

    more recently, I knocked a mole on my leg and as it healed it became itchy and grew. I decided to get it checked and went from GP to dermatology dept who removed it there and then. Within 2 weeks I had a letter and arranged a phone call appointment where I was given the news that the mole had been cancerous and due to its’ thickness, stage 2. This was only a few months ago.

    Since then I have met the plastic surgeon and had the surgery which was a wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy on 19-11 so I now have 2-3 weeks wait for results of that. Surgeon told me in my case it’s 80% likely that the lymph nodes will be all clear so I am every hopeful Slight smile

    holly x

  • Hi Shannon

    How are you doing? Have you had the results back from your biopsy?

    Keeping everything crossed for you.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"