Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

  • 13 replies
  • 47 subscribers

I was recently diagnosed with melanoma stage 1b Breslow thickness 1mm and non ulcerated.

I have my initial appointment with the plastic surgeon next week where I believe I will be asked to consent to the SLNB. 

When I only had the above information I had thought I would not have the SLNB as the chance of melanoma spreading from a 1b was so low I thought, and I am concerned about the risk of lymphoedema.

However, I now have a copy of my lab report and I now have the additional information that Clark Level was 4, mitotic rate 4. Having quickly read a few medical papers I now believe that due to the mitotic rate of 4 the chance of lymph node involvement is significantly higher. 

At least I have access to the same lab information as the surgeon now, so I will be able to understand their medical opinion. 

I just wish everything was given straight and direct because I feel like I am doing my own research and I'd rather know all the facts and possibilities than have the drip feed of positives only. 

How did you weigh up the risks and benefits of SLNB? Or should I just go with the advice on the day?

Thanks very much,


  • Hi Elmyra

    Thanks so much for that. That helps a lot. Yeah the l9ng wait was not good. Covid back up I suppose. They never said why. I'm in Wales and I don't think we have to follow the 2 week thing as in England either. I don't know if the wait made any difference to the mole but it surprised me how dark one bit got in those 6 weeks.  Oh thanks for that I will ho and Google the gel. I haven't put anything ony scar as my consultant said that  they will cut that out with the WLE. X

  • Hi Kate,

    Thanks for posting. This is my first experience of the online community and I'm trying to decide whether or not to have the SLNB on my face. If I go through with it, it'll all be happening weeks before my wedding. I'm devastated and I'm scared. My diagnosis was similar to yours, only the melanoma was on my scalp.

    Sending you hugs

    Carlie xx

  • Hi Kate_*, how are you getting on now 3 years on? Are you still having regular checks? I had a 1.0mm deep melanoma removed earlier this year. I was unable to have the SLNB but have had the WLE and I’m waiting on the results. As you can imagine it’s been a worrying start to the year! It’s good to reach out to those who’ve been in a similar situation just to see how they are after a few years.