Newly diagnosed 1b 1.8mm

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I had a bumpy mole removed 23rd August on the front of my thigh about 3 inches above my knee. My gp had already warned me it was probably melanoma as did the dermatologist consultant but he said it was "early". I had a wait of 7 weeks between referral and removal which wasn't good. (I'm in Wales).

Another 5 weeks wait for results. Melanoma 1b 1.8mm not ulcerated. Referred to a different hospital in Swansea for WLE and SNLB. My thoughts are like a roller coaster. My consultant is lovely and said they got it all out cancer is gone in his words. WLE is a belt and braces procedure and it was early like he predicted. Still very scary obviously and I go from OK I can do this one minute to noooooo the next! I'm back in work since beginning of sept as I found it helped rather than sit at home maithering.

I did have an infection in my wound which cleared up with penicillin  but was  painful. I'm carrying on as normal as best as my mind will let me for now but sleep eludes me for 2 hours a night some nights. Thoughts on overdrive!

I'm told I'll hear something in about 6 weeks (I'm 2 weeks in after diagnosis). I haven't met my key worker nurse as she was off that day but I have her number. I'm on half term next week will give her a call and I need to get a blood test to check vitamin D. GP not doing them due to shortage of bottles.

My main question is the Slnb. I just can't decide do I have it or not. I have a heart arrhythmia called SVT which thankfully I get very rarely but still. I know it is offered for the +1mm but I'm reading all the yes/no charts and it seems to me does it really make much difference when it isn't a treatment. If I were to find a lump on my checks (I will be going every 3 months to be checked BTW as well as my own checking) would I be offered the same treatment available to me if I don't have the slnb. I'm thinking if I have it and it comes back negative it puts my mind at rest for the future but really I will still worry as it could show somewhere else anyway in the future. It seems if it's not in the nodes on the day they do the op doesn't mean it could be in there some other time.

Just to say it seems Morriston in Swansea is pioneering doing them by nerve block not general anaesthetic so I'm hoping to get that. Thanks for reading the long post! And it's nice to meet you all wish it was under better circumstances tho Blush

  • I think the SLNB is entirely your choice. My melanoma was 2.5mm,  not ulcerated and my nodes were not swollen. I had 4 tiny nodes removed from my ear area and 2 came back as containing a trace of melanoma so without the procedure I would never have known. For me I had to know as I couldn’t live with the what ifs ?? 
    best wishes x 

  • Hi JannAA…I am sure your mind is in a whirl about it all but it does seem like most of us here that you are doing your research and balancing your options…my ‘surprise’ melanoma was discovered in July and recently categorised as a 3A…measuring 2.6mm….for me the SLNB was a no brainer…..following my op cells were found in one node…..I would ask all the questions many times over if you need to and certainly the nurses will be more than happy to help you but the decision has to be yours …for me I would not have settled with the ‘what ifs’ if I had not gone with the procedure…take care x

  • Hi. Thanks for your lovely reply. Yes that's the thing isn't it the what ifs".

  • Hi thanks for the lovely reply it's good to get other people's perspective on it all. Looks like I've got at least another 4 weeks to think about it. I'm a natural worrier at the best of times so if I don't have it done I'll be thinking every little ache or pain is something big.

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma and I know what a big decision deciding whether to have a SLNB or not is. I was worried about the possibility of getting lymphoedema when I had to decide so I took the opportunity of speaking to the surgeon about it when I had my pre-op. He reassured me that he had only had a handful of cases left with permanent lymphoedema from over 500 SLNB operations that he'd done so I decided to go ahead.

    I think in your place I'd be asking the surgeon what risks were involved for you as you have SVT. This should then help you make up your mind. 

    As for whether you'd be offered the same treatment if the melanoma reappears in the future if you don't have an SLNB then you might find this NICE decision aid helpful if you haven't already seen it. You'll see that under 'what are the disadvantages' it mentions that "some clinical trials of new treatments cannot accept people who have not had a SLNB".

    Let us know what you decide to do and remember, there's no right or wrong choice here just whatever was right for you when you made it.

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  • Hi thanks so much. I've read some of your posts on here in the last few days and you are always so helpful. Yes I will ask definitely. I'm hoping to have the nerve block thing if I do go ahead so maybe that'll be safer with the svt.

    I have seen the NICE page yes. Helpful. I will ask too what would happen as far as future treatment would be if I don't have it. That is my main concern. Thanks again  x

  • Hi JannAA, 

    I am stage 1b with 1.1mm thickness/not ulcerated and had my WLE and SLNB almost a month ago. Mole was on my thigh an inch above the knee and  SLNB on my left groin. So quite a similarity between us, you can check my profile.

    I agreed to SLNB due to few reasons, all my personal views of course. One reason is that it is offered as part of guidelines, so if it was not beneficial at all they would not offer it for 1b and above. Although small, there is a chance that there might be a spread of melanoma in 1b and I rather know if there is, so can move to further treatment quicker than waiting my lymph nodes to become swollen in time for it to be caught. In some cases, SLNB results come back as scanty /trace of melanoma (my consultant said from thousands of patients he treated that were early stage only 5-6 had positive SLNB) because the lymph node is removed it would give me peace of mind. 

    In terms of treatment options, one of the members posted while ago that he didn't have SLNB and was not discriminated or missed on any opportunities treatment - wise. My understanding is that it applies more for clinical trials than actual treatment itself at certain stages.

    My worry was about developing lymphadema afterwards, but talking to my consultant as well as members here, I trusted that it is very unlikely in my case, as they removed only one lymph node.

    You should definitely discuss your worries regarding the procedure and SVT with medical team and hopefully that will help you to have clearer picture and decide what is best for you

  • Hi! Thanks very much for that. That is a great reply to a lot of my questions and is really helpful so thank you. I will be taking a list in with me to my appointment when I get it! Our cases do sound very similar. Mine is my left thigh also. How was your WLE? Did you need a skin grafts or anything? I'm wondering how big it will be and close to the lounge of the knee. X

  • I meant the bend of the knee not lounge!

  • Glad you found it helpful, I always worry that I write too muchWink

    WLE was ok, the day of the surgery went really well and quick. I was in at 7 to have pre-op checks, surgical team and anesthesist answered my final questions and was taken at 8.30 to theatre. Surgeon said my scar might be "an ugly triangle but will do my best "  before the surgery, afterwards she came and said it went really well and she managed to do only one linear cut, so turned out better than she expected. I didn't have any skin grafts. Do ask them about the scar and skin graft on your appointment. 

    I woke up around 11 & discharged at 1.30, hubby drove me home and I slept till the evening. 

    Some pain (5 out of 10 for me) for the next few days & managed with painkillers. Had my feet elevated and in bed for a week and than started hopping around the house slowly on the second week. Had to wear compression socks for two weeks and No swimming, cycling etc for 6 weeks. 

    Now it's day 27, I am walking ok although still some tightness and sharp pains around the knee and groin but I am told its normal,  scar healing well (WLE scar is 3inches long and three finger above the knee, slnb scar 1.5 inches). 

    Overall, I think I had a positive experience. Happy to help if have any further questions.