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Following my WLE & SLNB on the 6th September I got my results back this week….from a T3 diagnosis on my upper back I have now been told that the WLE has come back with clear margins and there was a trace in only one lymph node which was removed…I’m still quite numb in terms of emotion as I had utterly convinced myself that I would be needing some ongoing treatment not just my anxiety but just because of the depth…..I had seen my GP a couple of years ago but was told nothing to worry about, but knowing more now I think I would have been more assertive and asked for a second opinion….hindsight is a wonderful thing….so now I have my clinical appointment on the 27th October where further inspection of moles will happen and discussion about scans and ongoing monitoring….the nurse also said I would be considered for a clinical trial of monitoring, scans etc which will last a decade!….TBH I don’t think any of it has really sunk in yet…I feel so fortunate to have received such good treatment from diagnosis onwards and the result couldn’t be better but feel so wary about any degree of celebration as there are the what ifs for the future.

  • Congrats IvysMum, 

    Such good news. I got the all clear 2 days ago myself and was over the moon. Sometimes, I do think what if it comes back but trying to push that thought away. I think it'll get better over time and we'll hopefully  worry less.

  • Hi

    That's good news that your WLE was clear but I noticed that you said a trace was found in your SLNB. Was it such a small amount then that adjuvant therapy is not needed and they are instead scanning you.

    Try not to be hard on yourself about not pressing to be seen sooner. I think most of us trust that the health professional knows best and are only too happy to accept that nothing needs to be done.

    Let us know how your appointment goes in a couple of weeks time 


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks Elmyra for your kind reply….I’m just still a little over anxious despite my relief…I’m going away for a few days next week so hopefully that will blow the cobwebs away x

  • Hi Latchbrook….it was a phone call so I was trying to absorb a lot of info as you do!…..the nurse said it was a miniscule amount, her words…so I’m presuming the ongoing monitoring and scans is the necessary follow up….when I see real humans at my appointment I will be able to ask more although she did say not to hesitate to phone if I was concerned or had questions…I may do a double check just to clear my mind before my break!….and thanks for your reassurance x

  • Having a chat with your SCNS before you go away sounds like a great idea . You'll then be able to having a relaxing break. My SCNSs have always been lovely and only too willing to explain things.

    Have a great break


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi latchbrook  I have followed this up and spoken with the hospital a couple of times this week….they had their MDT meeting and yes I am being taken to the next stage of treatment….a mopping up exercise!……they are referring me to the specialist hospital in my area for oncology…being sent for a head CT scan as this is a requirement apparently although I did have a clear CT scan at the beginning of all of this…the nurse said likely I will be offered immunotherapy as I am otherwise fit and well…..TBH I am more settled now as I did think at the time after reading much of what’s been spoken about on here that it wasn’t right…..I guess I misheard or misinterpreted what was said…I believe I’m classed as a 3a

  • I'm sorry to read your latest news but it's probably better that you've cleared this up now rather than having it sprung on you at your appointment in a couple of weeks time. It will give you time to think about the sort of questions that you want to ask.

    Sending a virtual (((hug)))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"