Regular Skin Checks

  • 13 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi all 

just a quick question… I am on Dab and Tram - I started on Boxing Day 2020, so almost 6 months in and the last time I had a skin check was in December before treatment started. 
I thought that they should be every 3 months and wondered  what other people were experiencing. I understand that Covid has impacted on things, but 6 months without anyone look at me seems quite a while… 

best wishes as always 


  • I am currently on  waiting biopsy results from my Sentinel node biospy but I have my dermatologist appointment letter for the 19th june ( three months after I had my results of melanoma diagnosis.  I am sure they said  I would be checked every three months for the first year. 

  • Hi I was diagnosed last November Im currently in Pembro for stage 3 .. I have had skin check appointments every 3 months since Nov infact I got my letter for my.august app today I'd definitely enquire if I was you .. hope your doing ok on treatment X

  • I had around 2-3 checkups thought-out 2019 after being diagnosed in 2018.

    Did have one planned for March 2020 but got a letter saying they were cancelling due to Covid kicking off.

    Last I heard from them. 

  • Hiya, thanks so much for replying. Hope you are ok waiting for your results. I was told that I would get regular checks for the first year too. I have had regular blood tests and MRI and CT scans so that’s good x

  • Hiya Sparkle871 

    Hope you doing ok. That’s good that they are checking on you. I hope you are ok on the treatment. I’m ok thank you. 

    I followed your advice and I called my specialist nurse today and said that I was a little concerned about a lump on my scar and also a mole on my arm. I’m sure they are ok but the mole is tender to the touch and the lump on my scar is just not disappearing (maybe it never will.) They asked for photographs so I did that and hopefully I will get an appointment soon. I said I want someone to actually look at them. 

    I realised it’s actually been 7 months since I was seen by my specialist nurse or consultant. They don’t seem to be doing regular skin checks we just have to get in touch if we are concerned about anything. 

    Your advice made me get in touch and have the courage to say I needed to see someone x 

  • Hiya Scot88

    Hope that you are ok. Have you had your CT and MRI scans? They have kept up to date with mine, just the skin checks that aren’t happening routinely. 

  • The waiting is so hard I have really struggled some days. I have heard no mention of blood tests, MRI or ct scans maybe they will get mentioned if it’s in my lymph nodes ? 

  • It is hard, I found it incredibly difficult but I just decided it was one day at a time, sometimes it was even hour by hour. Waiting is certainly the most difficult thing. 

    You are right, scans etc get sorted if the melanoma has got into your lymph nodes. My melanoma had got into my sentinel lymph node, so then I became a ‘stage 3.’ At that point I was given a treatment plan which includes scans etc. I have regular blood tests due to my treatment. 

    if you have any questions don’t ever worry about phoning your specialist nurse or the Macmillan helpline. I also find Melanoma UK really helpful. Also, I found people On this forum have been so helpful and supportive when I have had questions or just needed support. 

    take care and let us know how you get on x 

  • Thanks for the reply, I have never met a specialist nurse and it’s never been mentioned. Yes one day at a time is the way am thinking and praying for good news on Monday. X

  • Can I ask when they discovered melanoma in your sentinel lymph node did you then get a full lymph node removal ? X