dab/tram side effects

  • 5 replies
  • 51 subscribers

I am taking dab/tram for 8 months now and the worst side effect so far has been fever and chills which lasted up to a week, but the most common side effects seem to be fatigue and muscle and joint pain. I am only 28 years old and i was very active up until treatment when i found i was just to sore after to much physical activity. Has anyone else had similar effects? what can i do or take to be able to work out again without feeling dead the next day. Its mainly my legs, they just always feel gassed

  • FormerMember

    Hi Marco ,I was on the same as you dab/tram and I finished  my treatment in March , I also suffered from fatigue especially after overdoing it . I still managed to work full time aswel as looking after the grandchildren on my days off ( I’m 54) but things do get better just rest when you need to . You’re more than half way there Muscle tone2 xx

  • Hi  I have been on Dab/Tram for nearly 2 years and I have had many of the associated side effects to a greater or lesser degree, most of which I have been able to manage with a 48hr treatment break. For the last 8 months like you I have been suffering from severe fatigue that comes and goes and has no regular pattern to it, some days I wake up and feel fine but come the afternoon I am exhausted and I am fit for nothing but resting. Some days however I am generally ok. I have discussed this with my oncologist and his opinion is that the fatigue is a cumulative effect of the treatment and will get worse over time. Because of this I am unable to work and I am on permanent sick leave. I have come to understand that I need to listen to my body and capitalise on the good days and rest when the fatigue sets in. I hope this helps.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AlfieBulldog

    yes i feel the same some days start good some don't, but im also working 2 jobs to get by while doing this treatment but there not very physically demanding jobs, unlike my last job framing houses. Im only on treatment for 4 more months though, just have to push through.

  • Hi Maco, I'm sorry to hear about your fatigue and soreness after physical activity. I'm on Month 6 of Dab/Tram and fatigue has hit me in a big way in the last 2 weeks. I have found, like you, that after 'normal' exercise (a hour of cardio dance fitness) I'm absolutely shattered and can't function. I find it scary and sad. I don't like how my body is changing. I'm a total zombie. 

    What I do is walking. I make myself go out in the cold. I'm always happy afterwards.

    A few days ago, my consultant said 'why don't you try doing a bit of the cardio class? And build yourself up? You don't have to do the whole hour'. I'm going to try that. Doing the cardio class makes me happy.

    As for work, I sometimes have to really push to get my day's work done. The next day, I'm shattered. Crazy tired. I have to make sure, now, that I have the weekend and Friday evenings off to recover. I've also booked some Annual Leave to give me a break.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I could relate to it. It made me feel a bit less crazy and scared. 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the group

    I'm sorry to read how having Dab/Tram has affected you over the last few weeks. It sounds like you've found ways to exercise and make yourself feel better though.

    I was a bit concerned to read that you are taking annual leave from work to give yourself a break as you're feeling shattered after a day at work. I'm not sure if you're aware but having a cancer diagnosis means that your employer should make reasonable adjustments so that you can continue to work. Clicking on the link I've created will give you more information about how that can work in practice.

    Having cancer means that under UK law you are classed as having a disability and you might like to take a look through this information from Macmillan on work and cancer

    If you have any questions about your rights at work, or if you feel that your employer isn't helping you, then give the Macmillan Support Line a call on 0808 808 0000 and have a chat with their work support team. It's free to call and the advisers are available every day from 4 January.


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