Question about first oncology appointment

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all

just wondering if you can help me.

I found out just under 2 weeks ago melanoma was in my sentinel lymph node. I am now stage 3, but not sure of the letter that goes after that yet... 

I have my first oncology appointment next week and wondering what to expect - wonder if anyone can give me a bit of a heads up about  what will happen?! And also what I need to ask. I feel like I need to ask about recurrence/ survival rates but is this something I should ask - did any of you? 

I have spoken to my My specialist nurses (they are lovely) and said that I may start treatment before Christmas - but we need to discuss this, I have also asked for a skin check (this hasn’t ever been done.)  

My head is in a bit of a muddle today, so any help would be really appreciated. 


  • Hi JosieK,

    I think you you can and should ask whatever you like.  Its far better to ask questions than to bottle them up, and asking questions leads to answers that will help you understand where you are in a treatment plan. I have found that getting into conversations with my doctors about treatments really helps me to realise how all the different elements of treatments interlock and often realise that my situation is actually better than I had thought.

    These are some questions that may be helpful to you:

    What’s the goal of this treatment?

    To cure the cancer?
    Help me live longer?
    Relieve or prevent some of the symptoms of the cancer?

    Are there other treatments?
    What are the benefits of these treatments?
    What are the risks?

    How soon do I need to start treatment?
    How long will I need treatment?
    What medicines will I get? What are they for?
    How should I expect to feel during treatment?
    What side effects, if any, can I expect to have?
    What can be done about the side effects?
    Can I work during treatment?

    What are the chances the treatment will work?

    How would treatment affect my daily activities?

    What treatment options do I have for relieving bone pain or other symptoms?

    Are there clinical trials that may be right for me?

    What will happen next?

    How do I get help after hours or on weekends?

    These questions are not solely aimed at  surgery or drug treatment so I apologise if some don't seem to apply, but you may be offered a combination of surgery and drugs so...

    You may well find that reading some of the profiles of other people who post here will also give you an invaluable insight into what could also be your next steps in melanoma treatment.  Click on their names and you will see what their their melanoma treatment history has been. Of course all of us are different and our treatments vary but again I have found knowing what may lie ahead reduces worry and helps me to adjust or prepare.

    I hope your appointment goes well and one last thing I would suggest is to take notes of what is said so that you can look at them later. Sometimes many different things are discussed and its hard later to remember it all clearly.

    I will look out for your next post to see how you got along.  If you have any other questions you think I may be able to help you with, just ask here or in a direct message.

    Take care


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Thank you so much, you have really reassured me. I’m going to write the questions down and my husband will be on speakphone so that’s good. 
    I will let you know how I get on, I feel so much more prepared and positive. 
    thank you so much x