Diagnosed 2 weeks ago

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  • 9 subscribers

Hey, I just got diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma, alot to take in, it's low grade atm but my main symptom is fatigue, anyone else have this and if so any tips to boost energy levels? Kinda floors me and I'm not one to sit about, always on the go.


  • Hi Just Peachy,  I now have the advantage of being able to look back on the time I've travelled from diagnosis, through treatment, to where I am now. I can't pretend it's been easy, either for me or for my family, although there are things that have made it a bit easier to live with.

    Accepting that this was now part of my life and I/we would have to work with it was the first stage. Then, taking a practical approach and making or adjusting such plans as might be necessary with the understanding that the MCL wasn't just going to go away. Eventually,  when I did have my course of chemotherapy there were times when I felt pretty rotten but also times when I felt O.K. and, between us, we got through it. And now, it's difficult to recall much of it. Also, there are different types of chemotherapy and don't let the thought of it scare you. It will be just part of your recovery so just deal with that when it's time.

    So, one stage at a time. Focus on making the most of treatment and your recovery. You're still you .... and your family needs you to still be you (even if you don't leap about quite as much)!  Carry on with life, Just Peachy ..... and feel free to get in touch if there are occasionally 'dark days'. Happens to all of us.

    Best regards, Trevor (Hopalong).

  • Thanks for your message Trevor, hope you are keeping well. I'll focus on where I am now and try not to think of what's ahead of me. Just Peachy (Kerry)