Problems with chemo

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  • 5 subscribers

I’ve had two cycles of chemotherapy with the third due this week. I’m also having a PICC line put in the day before as there are problems with my veins. I’ve had just about every side effect there is and I’m starting to feel depressed. I’m usually a very positive person and I went into this treatment determined to beat it but I’m finding it difficult now. I don’t know any more how to stay positive 

  • Hi again  and well done navigating across to this little corner of the community.

    I had a PICC line for my main chemo and it was great…..I had no problems with it going in and saves you being a pincushion.

    I went on to have two Hickman Lines one for each of my two Allo (donor) Stem Cell Transplants.

    I do understand how you feel when the side effects kick in. I actually did ok with my main 750hrs chemo but had some massive challenges during my second Allo SCT resulting in me ending up in the Critical Care Unit a few times with heart problems….. my main mindset was that this journey had to be done as there was no option as without it…… I would not be talking with you today.

    I always kept focusing on the fact all the challenges were going to be temporary and would become a fuzzy memory in the future and I am now over 7 years out from my last treatment living as good a life as any 67 year old can ….. see my story below.

    What chemo are you getting?

    Always around to chat.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • I am undergoing R-CHOP chemotherapy. I also have COPD and my diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma came about as a result of a CT scan for COPD so it was a fluke I was diagnosed. I’m normally an active person and not given to feeling sorry for myself but even the clinical nurse specialist has said I’ve had more than my fair share of side effects