Coming to terms with diagnoses

  • 6 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi All

My husband 38 has recently been diagnosed with Mantle Cell lympjoma. Dr google has scared me and i'm struggling to come to terms with the diagnoses. Any advice welcome.

  • Hi again  and well done finding your way over to this corner.

    This LINK will show the others what we have been talking about before so you dont have to jump through the hoops again.

    THIS is the information you should lookout about MCL..... KEEP AWAY from Dr Google.

    The NORDIC treatment is often used as a preparation for Stem Cell Transplant......has this been mentioned?


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • As The Highlander said, STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE.

    Anything over two years old is probably out of date.

    Cheers, Sue

    Oh, and BTW, I had a stem cell transplant for MCL in June 2009. Work that out, and stay positive :-)

  • Hi Sue good to hear from you c


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello to you too!

    I'm still around, getting into as much mischief as I can in the autumn of my life ha ha

    I running a FB closed page for MCL UK only, which I'm not allowed to promote here, so still helping where I can.

    Good to see the "old" names still appearing.

    Be well. x

  • Thank you both. Your positive words and stories have really helped. Glad to hear your both doing spell well. No more googling for me as its thrown me the last few days. 

  • , I am not sure if the NORDIC treatment requires any inpatient.... but some of the others who have had it can come back on this for you.

    You may also find our various Macmillan Support Line Services - you can call them free on 0808 808 00 00 This service covers Emotional Support, Practical Information. Clinical Information, Financial Support and Work Guidance mostly open 8.00 to 8.00 but check the link.

    It also would be great if you put some information in your profile Click here to see how to add details as this helps everyone to see a little about you and you can see our stories as well.

    What you see in this Community is up to date and also moderated by professionals who work in health and cancer support.

    Always around to listen.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge