Groin lymph node enlargement

  • 6 replies
  • 9 subscribers

I had a groin ultrasound in December that showed a second  metastatic lymph node had increased to 10 mm, Two consultations later and a pet scan has resulted there are now two infected lympth nodes

a surgery date in just under 2 weeks has now been given for the removal of all lymph nodes

On one side of my groin

From the date of the ultrasound to surgery is 3 months, I am concerned that I now can feel one of the enlarged lymph nodes in the crease of my groin wihich also tingles  and I have some itching now as well. I am waiting for a nurse from gyno to contact me, I am scared it has been so long to been given the decision for the surgery that it could possibly

have spread to the other side of my groin 

Has anyone experienced similar, and has anyone had a spread of metastatic lymph nodes on both sides and what treatment have you had.

I would be grateful for any replies received.

many thanks


  • Hi Rubestwo, I see it's been two days and no-one who's experienced the same thing has replied to you yet.  This has not happened to me and I have a different diagnosis  than you but I'm sure someone on here will get back to you soon.  I hope me replying keeps you at the top of the pile. 

    Have you posted this on the gynae forum as you mentioned seeing a gynae doc I'm presuming you have a primary diagnosis which is gynae.  I don't know which type of cancer you've been diagnosed with as this can determine which other forum to post on hon.  If you let me know I can direct you to the best place for a reply hopefully x

  • Thankyou for your reply Alottment lover, My cancer is SCC which I had previous surgery for. I am on the vulva & skin cancer forums. I will join the Gynae forum as well. Thanks.

  • Hi Rubestwo, I've searched for a general gynae group but there's none.  So you're in those two groups already, what about "secondary lymph nodes" or "ask an expert" 

    I'm hoping you've got a reply by now maybe on the other two groups you're in.  I hope your gynae specialist nurse has spoken with you as she'd be best placed to have an answer hon.  Obviously after your surgery your oncologist will talk through any treatments neede.  I know others have had full groin lymph node clearances and have talked about what to take in with you as a patient. If I can find that I'll try and get the person's name to you .  I'm sorry not to be more helpful, try not to panic too much.  I know that's easy to say but with cancer we can often believe every other pain or swelling is linked to the cancer as it is such a scary disease. Take care hon xx

  • Hi Alottment lover, thank you for all your comments, I will contact my Gynae nurse again, and ask an expert on the website

    for some information, so glad you contacted me! X

  • Hi rubestwo,

    I have a similar situation and mine is scary right now. After a swollen groin node appeared on my right, another appeared on my left, then the right one sort of receded into a general swelling and the left one grew to now almost 4 cm within about 4 months.

    A CT scan revealed three additional groupings of lymph nodes in my pelvis area all hidden from view, but I can definitely feel their pressure as they grow and spread. It sort of feels like a heavy period or like I’m 9 months pregnant, and I can’t walk very far out very much because my gait has been thrown off.

     The CT scan also revealed some calcification tissue in my lungs and a pathologically fractured vertebrae at the bottom of the thoracic region of my spine. 

    I’m terrified that I have metastatic lung cancer, and now living with that anxiety while I await my consultation appointment with the ontology department. 

    Sorry I couldn’t make it sound less scary. From the research I’ve done into this so far, that’s what it looks like for me. I hope yours turns out to be more hopeful. 

  • Hi Good life, I hope you haven't got too long to wait for your treatment plan. i found it much easier to deal with things with a plan, circumstances the same but less scary with a plan.

    Take care KT