Groin lymph node cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 9 subscribers

I had scc cancer 4 months ago, on my 3 monthly check, it has now spread to one of my left lymph nodes and is 10mm this was discovered on the 22nd Dec, my consulant has been away for several weeks, and the earliest Appointment I have got is early Feb, I am worried to death if it grows any larger, what symptoms do I need to look out for, can anyone share there experiences and help me out?

  • Hi Rubestwo, I am not familiar with SCC and I’m not sure if when you say a spread to a lymph node was discovered I don’t know if you mean a lymph node felt enlarged or showed as being enlarged by a CT scan or ultra sound or wether you have had a biopsy. 

    I’ve had CT scans every 3 months for the last 6 years and have had several reoccurrences in my groin lymph nodes some have resolved themselves when I’ve been on treatment others have grown. As we have many lymph nodes in our groin some haven’t been visible or caused symptoms but some being near the surface have been visible and grown to 33mm on a scan but felt like 50mm on the body and have got in the way a bit when walking. Any increase in size that you can feel or any symptom of feeling unwell I would contact the specialist nurse you probably have and there may be some way they can bring your appointment forward or do another urgent scan. I think any lymph node enlargement under 10mm is not of great concern but at 10mm they want to keep a close eye and think about what treatment might be required. 

    It was unfortunate that my surgery had to be on a certain date because of the trial company receiving it otherwise I think the hospital would have taken action before it grew so big. It’s an anxious time waiting if you talk to your cancer specialist nurse I am sure she will help with your fears.

    Take care KT

  • Hi KTatHome,

    Thank you for your reply, My first cancer diagnosis was Squamous cell carcinoma, a lesion on my vulua. This grew to over 2 cm whilst waiting for my surgery and was cut out.

    unfortunately, an ultra sound showed that the cancer had spread to one of my groin lymph nodes 10 days ago, I had two suspect areas on my vulva biopsed  although the results showed no evidence of invasive cancer, my nurse informed me this does not always mean there is no cancer there, since

    then one area has developed, some raised red bumps just by the opening to my vagina and just inside, I am keeping a close eye on this daily, ready to inform my nurse if they does not clear in a couple of days, does anyone else in the forum have any knowledge and experience of something similar?

  • KaTathome

    Hi there, what treatment do you have when you have your CT scans. My consultant wants to remove all my groin lymph nodes on one side of my groin! 

    Is it radiotherapy you have each time, if they discover something positive.



  • Hi Rubestwo, I haven’t had all my groin nodes removed it was proposed once but decided that the benefits would not be more than the cons as previously my cancer had been in multiple lymph nodes not just the stretch of nodes that the groin dissection would remove. I’ve had systemic treatment that works on the whole body, I was on immunotherapy Pembrolizumab but I’m now on two targeted therapy drugs Encorafanib and Binimetinib. I have not had radiotherapy, I have had surgery to remove one node twice, the first time was for a trial to help some research into why people become resistant to immunotherapy and this second time has again been for a trial to harvest the node for DNA sampling to help with create more T cells which will successfully target the DNA in my cancer. My cancer experience is in my profile that can be reached by clicking on my user name, my treatments might not be relevant for your cancer. 

    Take care KT

  • I had a lymph node dissection of my groin in August, 10 nodes were removed I had a drain in and was in hospital for 5 days, unfortunately I got an infection, in my leg after a spell at home, but returned to hospital for 3 weeks, and home again. It took me a while to get to being myself again, the oncologist is just having ct scans done every 6months, and will treat symptoms, but this is because I'm 85 years old and a bit frail.i have fluid in my leg, which is a nuisance, but I'm okay, my primary was on my shin hope this helps 

  • Hi Betful,

    Thank you for your reply, sorry to hear you caught an infection, I have been informed this is very common and also there is a high chance of lymphoma setting in. I have my consultation on Thursday

    so hopefully get a surgery date then.

    Take care,
