Lymph nodes

  • 3 replies
  • 7 subscribers

i had bilateral lumpectomies 2 weeks ago. It was thought my lymph nodes were clear but biopsies were taken to make sure. 
i had the results today.  Left is clear but 4 out of the 5 nodes taken from the right were found to be cancerous. I am having all lymph nodes removed next month. 
does anyone know if this is curable?

  • Hi Pengu 1n,

    I felt I needed to reply as your post is 24hrs old and I can see you are extremely worried.

    I'm sorry to hear about your lymph glands being positive to cancer.  Do you have a primary site of malignancy that the lymph nodes have spread from?  And do you have a cancer type name?

    It's impossible for anyone to comment if it's curable right now, your consultant or a specialist nurse involved in your care would be the best people to ask, please give them a ring asap to help with your worries.

    I can as a nurse say that as the lymphatic system goes all round our bodies draining fluid  cancerous cells can be transported via the lymph fluid from a primary site/tumour.  Treatments vary considerably from one type of cancer to another and sometimes from one person to another.  I'm so sorry there is no straightforward answer to your worries right now but try not to Google info as you may get further confused !

    As I said contact your consultant and the specialist cancer nurse for more info to help you understand better what's going on.  Take care and good luck x

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated. 

  • Hi Pengu 1n, how are you doing?  X