Secondary lymph node cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 8 subscribers

I was diagnosed in June this year with breast and lymph node cancer. I had a mastectomy and a right side full lymph node clearance. 14 out of 26 lymph nodes had cancer. They offered me hormone there, chemo therapy and radiotherapy. I declined all of these. If I'm going to die then I'm doing it in my terms (I turned 50 in September).  My question is, as most of my lymph nodes were cancerous does this me it will have spread somewhere else. I have spoken to my oncologist about this but he never gives me a straight answer and there was mention of an MRI scan but nothing has happened. Why is no one telling me anything?

  • Hi  I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis but am very glad you found this forum as it's a great support.

    Having cancer in 14 or more even lymph nodes doesn't mean it has spread anywhere else and it doesn't mean you are going to die unless you have been told otherwise by your doctors.  There are no certainties with cancer unfortunately which is why your oncologist can't give you a straight answer, that and also the fact that they don't want to risk getting sued.

    When I was waiting to find out whether my cancer had spread to lymph nodes I came across a number of posts from women where the cancer had spread to their lymph nodes (one lady had cancer in all 26) and these women were successfully treated, still alive and with no evidence of a return or spread of the cancer.  So please don't give up hope and assume that this will kill you.  Breast cancer is very treatable these days with very high success rates.

    It's your choice what treatment you have but my advice would be to follow your doctors advice as that will give you the best chance of becoming cancer free.  

    I had no problems with the radiotherapy or with the hormone tablets.  I didn't need chemo but many ladies on here who have had chemo say it's very doable and wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.  Then once chemo is over your body slowly recovers and things go back to normal.

    You should try posting  and reading the posts on the Breast Cancer forum as you'll get more support and helpful advice there.  There is Radiotherapy thread, a hormone tablets thread and a chemotherapy thread for people currently going through chemo.

    Breast Cancer forum: CLICK HERE

    To find Radiotherapy, hormone treatment, chemo and other useful threads CLICK HERE 

    Wishing you all the best with whatever you decide.

  • Thank you so much for taking time to message me. Thank you for your help and advice. I really do appreciate it. Xxx