Lymphedema and issues after groin dissection

  • 4 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hello all, I’m new to this group and thought I’d put a message in here as I’m having a bit of a melt down!!

I have cancer in a lymph node in my groin, diagnosed in January, and did have cancer in my pelvis nodes, which have gone recently with immunotherapy, which is great. So I’m due to be operated on in 3 days time. Initially to remove the cancerous lymph node, this was after chatting to the surgeon and he said he’d make that close too, but then oncologist nurse called a few days ago, to say they want all the lymph nodes out. These are not cancerous. I am desperate to do the right thing but worried about such a big procedure and my immunotherapy stopping until I’m well enough, which is 2-3 months depending on complications. So could the cancer not spread else were in that time? Also I’ve heard lymphedema in the leg is quite depressing and debilitating, is that correct or have I just been speaking to unlucky people. I am 47 and in reasonable shape, which I think helps.
My gut feeling is to have the smaller op and let immunotherapy do the rest…  but what do I know! I have two days in which to decide. Can anyone help or advise please. Many thanks to you all : ) 

  • Hi Helington, I have been in a similar situation to you, although I do not know what cancer you have. When I was struggling with surgeon advice versus oncology advice when I was on immunotherapy Pembrolizumab but it had not shrunk one stubborn node after a year, when previously I had been a complete responder. I spoke again to the specialist nurse who was at the MDT meeting where they discuss between them the recommended actions. I also talked through the patient conferences I had attended where surgeons say there is still a place in some stage 4 patients to recommend lymph node dissection, but sometimes it’s not necessary if adjuvant treatment  can help. I think the why of a decision is more important than the actual decision, so you can explain that you want to live as long as possible but live as well as possible and ask them why they have reached the decision they have as it will help you feel more comfortable following their preferred pathway if you can understand the thoughts behind their recommendation, 

    They may have not had many patients who have had complications, perhaps they are excellent surgeons, perhaps as you say you are fit, and perhaps not overweight so they think the risk is very small but worth it to enable you to live longer.

    In my profile (click my User name to see it) you can see some of my experience. I was concerned that only node the enlarged one resistant to immunotherapy after a year should be removed and not a whole string for the same reason as you, risk of lymph oedema, on a second occasion, by the time I saw a surgeon the node had shrunk, and so surgeon and oncology decided no surgery. I can’t say what’s best for you, just be happy with what you decide, know the reason why your leaning one way, toss a coin ? Sometimes that helps you know which way you want to go. What are you most scared off a longer life not as active, or a shorter more active life or not knowing which risk to take and is the risk too small to worry about? The later the consultants can only give you their best guess for you. 

    Good luck

    Take care KT

  • Hi Helington. Hope you’re doing ok and feeling well after your op to remove groin lymph nodes. As I’m due to be having the same procedure just wondering how it all went if you don’t mind me asking?  Take care . Thanks

  • I have had the lymph nodes removed from my groin ,secondry from removal of melanoma on my shin 2 years before, only 1 turned out to be cancerous, but at least they are gone now, this was in August, i had a few problems after with cellulitis developing, but im now getting about okay , i have a lymphodaema problem, but am coping okay i am 85 years old, not on any treatment, as it has been decided against this , i feel glad i had it done, although in the best i did at times wonder !!! But all is well now hope that reassures you ,

  • Hi Betful thank you for your reply. It’s very reassuring. Best wishes to you