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I thought I send an update. After much discussion and thought I cancelled the laparotomy. I have started chemo and had first session Friday 16th July. It went OK..

So far no side effects the pills are doing the job. I'm on Paclitaxel and carboplatin. Session 4 hours then 3 week break.Has anyone else had these drugs? I have been confused by the tablet regime when to take what when and how many! Am experiencing some indigestion and constipated. Taken laxative pill.. So onward and upwards.

Love to allHeartPillHeart

  • Good morning Oak2 I am also on the same chemotherapy meds Paclitaxel and carboplatin. I have had 2 sessions so far and the third due Thursday coming. It has not treated me bad but the day after first treatment nothing tasted right but I had lemon in water and my taste came back. Like about 3 days after treatment I had body pains it was more like a numbing pain so I was on paracetamol every 6 hours. Then I had constipation so I bought some prunes and prune juice from the supermarket. Otherwise so far it’s not too bad. Before I started my doctor gave me nausea pills and alecaid of which I took the Wednesday night at 10 then morning of treatment at 6 so I had no nausea. I hope everything goes well for you just be strong and never give up. 

  • Hi candy. Thanks for reply. Glad to hear you're not too bad. I'm still constipated so may try prunes not my favourite food but needs must. Take care now love oak

  • Hello Oak

    Good news you started on chemo! My mum is in a similar position to you.  She has a recurrence too in her lymph nodes and has finished her final cycle this week.

    Have the doctor Les offered you immunotherapy as well? We think our mum is in a trial

    Happy  to provide details 

    Lots of love HeartHeartHeartHeart️ xxx

  • Hi lucki. No mention of immunotherapy. Couldn't have hormonal as not effective against tumour.

    Has your mum experienced peripheral neurothapy? At the moment having pains in lower legs and ankles. Regards to your mum. Xx

  • Hello Oak

    yes - mum did experience peripheral neuropathy but it eases as the days pass… we kept a log of how mum felt and we found that she received chemo on a Thursday… Friday , Saturday and Sunday she was fine (steroids were doing their trick). Monday to Wednesday felt groggy and had body aches, tingling and feet felt numb and like jelly…. Thursday onwards things started to get much better with mum feeling much much better week 2 and week 3.

    Did you second opinion help at all?  Did they give a better prognosis?  I do hope the second opinion was more “gun ho and upbeat “ about things.  I think there is so much that can be done

    immunotherapy is another weapon.  Mums receiving ATEZOLIZUMAB at the Royal Marsden.  2 year trial 

    look forward to hearing from you and very happy to answer as many questions as you like.   You are at the start of what was my mums journey back in March

    lots of love and good wishes x HeartHeartHeartHeart

  • Forgot to say doctors tried hormone therapy on my mum but it didn’t work so they went for chemo xx

  • Hello Oak

    i do hope you are ok xxx

    just wanted to let you know that the chemo seems to have worked on my mums lymph nodes   They have all gone down to a normal size ans we are so relieved xxx

    Happy to share details with you.  I do hope you are ok xxx

    lots of love 

  • Hi lucki. Thanks for your update on your mum. So pleased chemo did its work. I'm feeling more optimistic about things. Going for second chemo today. Family and friends being so kind and supportive.

    You take care and love to your mum.

  • Dear Oak

    So pleased to hear from you and glad you ok x Pray tone2

    just go for it girl!  You are going to be fine - I know it   Please let me know if I can answer any questions you may have x

    my mum is slowly getting back to her normal self   She said the chemo was clearly worth it   She’s keen to put it behind her and restart her body again and get it going with long walks and gentle yoga   Still feels tired but she’s keen to get cracking from next month!

    lots of love   Keep going  you got this xxxx HeartHeartHeartHeart