Radiotherapy side effects.

  • 2 replies
  • 7 subscribers

I received results of pet scan and the iliac node is likely to be cancerous. Seeing consultant Wednesday to find out treatment.

Before the scan she said would be surgery then radiotherapy. Anxious about side effects.. They seem awful from what I have

read on Google. Can anyone tell me what it will be like.


  •  Hi How did your Consultant's meeting go on Wednesday? I hope they've sorted out a treatment plan for you.

    As you mentioned you were worried about the side effects of radiotherapy I've flagged another Champ who'll be along to chat to you and offer you support.

    All the best, Bxx

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  • Hello Mrsbhj.

    My consultant showed me the petscan. It showed a large nodule attached to the stomach wall and 2 others in the pelvic area. I will need a laparotomy, they will remove lymph nodes. It sounds a big op and she gave me a list of complications and risks which were grim.AAll this followed by chemo and radiotherapy. I consented to it all but with a heavy heart. Especially the op. With all the side effects. Seems chemo etc won't do the job.

    I've had a meltdown and was ready to say no treatment at all. Seriously don't know what to do.