Lymph node biopsy and bleeding

  • 3 replies
  • 7 subscribers

Hi all

About 6 weeks ago i noticed a large painless swelling on one side orally at the back of my throat, with slight enlargement of one lymph node. i called 111 who told me to go to urgent care. Despite my protests that it wasnt- the doctor diagnosed tonsillitis and prescribed penicillin for 2 weeks.

Obviously the antibiotics did nothing, so i called my GP who referred me, and ive been seen by two consultants since then who think it is 'extremely likely' to be cancer with secondary spread to the lymph node. The second consultant has been very proactive and ive had CT scan, biopsy of the lymph node and an MRI in the space of three days.

The site of the biopsy has swollen up quite a bit in response to the core biopsy. I did mention it to the doctor when i went for  a CT who told me it is just bleeding a bit due to the biopsy and would reabsorb eventually, and sure enough i am getting a very fetching black/yellow bruise all over my neck area (abour 20x10cm area).

This may be a silly question, but i know cancer spreads in blood, if the lymph node is cancerous which my second consultant seemed very confident of (he put it as diagnosis is to determine the type) will the resultant bleeding from the biopsy spread it around more?


  • Hi , welcome to the online community. I see that you also posted this in the ask a nurse and she’s given you a long reply with lots of links to info. I notice the nurse has said it’s rare for a biopsy to be the cause of anything spreading, so I hope that was reassuring. 

    I think a change of view is needed, the biopsy needed to happen to find out if it is cancer and if so what type it is and to get the right treatment for that cancer as soon as is practical. So things are moving forward for you which is good. Just a bit more waiting.

    I’m very experienced in waiting !!! and will happily keep you company virtually during your wait, and share any experience that might help. My diagnosis was nearly 5 years ago, I’m still on treatment for my cancer after a few blips along the way. I often hear the waiting for results term scanxiety all around this Macmillan site and I think that sums it up perfectly.

    Coping with uncertainty and waiting is a very positive life skill I believe, I bet you already have your own coping strategies. Happy to just listen to any wobbles you may have as writing them down and reading them back I’ve found just seems to help and make them appear smaller.

    Take care

    Take care KT

  • Hi, sorry it took so long to reply, i took myself offline as i was googling way too much.

    i very much appreciate the response! and i saw my oncologist today.

    Apparently it is HPV related, so despite the late diagnosis it is 70% likely that chemoradiation can 'cure' it- obviously there is a risk the treatment will kill me etc

    Treatment starts in 3 or so weeks, not overjoyed at more delay but what can you do.

    Gosh 5 years is a long time to be dealing with this, i can imagine you have had lots of wobbles along the way?


  • Hi , I’m glad you have a treatment plan, but sorry you have a bit more of a wait for it to start. I hope you are feeling well at the moment. Unfortunately waiting seems to go slowly, when you look back years later it won’t seem that slow ! 

    Good luck with your treatment.

    Take care KT