I was diagnosed with Endometrial cancer stage 2 Grade 3, in July 2022. By August 22 I had a full hysterectomy, a X weeks of recovery and then followed up with six weeks of Radiotherapy ending with Brachnotherspy.
Unfortunately, December 7th 23, after a CT scan a lung lesion was found. Shocked to hear the news as had really expected to have the all clear. Second round was 3 sessions of stereotactic I radiotherapy and now have started on SACT - carboplatin- paclitaxel. Total of 6 sessions every 21 days. First session completed, next week Friday will be second round. First chemo was really hard after day 4. Was not expecting the side effects of every joint muscle in my body with a full on episode of my seronegative arthritis. Would welcome any help and advice with anyone with similar things experience
Hi Velma02
I'm not a member of this forum but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.
I hope you find your second round of chemo easier but do tell the chemo nurses about any side effects you have as they may be able to prescribe something to help.
Hi Velma02
i’m sorry to hear that. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in December 2023 and had a hysterectomy etc in Jan 24. I’m about to start 6 cycles of chemo (carboplatin/ paclitaxel) on Monday so I can’t offer any practical advice right now, but it looks like we are on the same pathway. I hope your 2nd session went well and I’ll check back in after my first session next week and we can compare experience/ hopefully offer tips to get through it. Are you cold capping? I’m going to try and see if I can tolerate it.
Right now, my new worry is that my veins are small and when I went for bloods today, they had 5 attempts and I may end up with a port or picc line if they have the same problems on Monday. I’ve been advised to wrap up so I’m really warm and hydrate to make it easier, but if you have any tips that would be great.
Hi Coco5,
I'm sorry to hear you too are going through the same diagnosis.
I'm guessing that perhaps your stages/grades were higher, as you are going straight into the 21 day Chemotherapy cycle?
I've never had issues with veins, but my daughter does. The best advice is too really be hydrated and yes keep your arms warm. I was glad I didn't have to have the picc line or port, as I can only imagine it would be much more painful and the risks of infections higher, especially around the entry area. But of course I could be wrong and the best people to advice would be Dr and nurses. For you it may take the stress out of being poked a number of times and or other issues!
I'm currently on day 5 after 2nd dose and feeling much better and not in pain as much.
Literally day 3 hits you like a sledgehammer! Luckily I was prepared for this second Nd time around and took meds religiously to counteract the negative. It helps! Fluid intake I doubled upped on from Sunday, faster the chemical pass through the better I may feel ( was my thoughts process). Ginger/lemon sweets helped with the metallic taste. Mouth wash helped with the little ulcers. Basically rest, sitting in the garden and or just going for a gentle walk, helps a lot. (Weather permitting of course). Oh just remembered, soaking in bath helped relief some of the joint pains and helped relax too. Sleep on a normal day is a problem for me, but this certainly helped.
Good luck with your treatment, please do keep in touch, would be good to hear of your journey and any ideas that helped.
Take care, thinking of you with postivite energy.
I have followed your exact journey - almost the same! Hysterectomy in November 22, 4 chemo to ‘mop up’ 25 Radiotherapy, 2 brachytherapy. Felt good , in march I had a routine Ct and nodules were found I have just had another CT which shows they have doubled in size. ! I have just started another 6 rounds of chemo, had number 3 on Monday - suffering the last 2 days. This time I take regular meds for muscle pain/ neuropathy , paracetamol and gabapentin. I’m afraid I have no advice- I’m just keeping positive as i am asymptomatic but dread every consultation and am already scared to hear how what the repeat CT scan will be in late November , after chemo 4 .
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