Throat cancer then to secondary lung cancer and prostate cancer.

  • 2 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Hi All,

2 years ago I was diagnosed with lthroat cancer, after a course of chemo and RT. I was given the all clear. During this time I had a PSA of 97 and started a course of degeralix. Since my original PSA of 97, mine is now hovering around 1 for the last year, I still continue to have a monthly injection.

A month after my all clear from throat cancer l had to go for a PET scan and was obviously devastated to hear that the throat cancer had spread to my lungs, I am currently taking pembro for the past 12 months.

Over the last month i am constantly experiencing a hot sweat followed by an extreme cold, like I’m frozen to the bone, this is with multi layers x4 and dressing gown on. This is beginning to make me lose sleep, more tired and feel unable to function/work.

Has anyone else suffered similar problems.

Kind regards


  • Hello  I have just read your post and am so sorry to hear of your various problems. I am also sorry that you haven't had any replies to your original post. By me replying it will be "bumped" back to the top of the forum and will come to the attention of forum members and I hope your questions are answered.

    I normally hang out on the Prostate cancer forum - I am a Gleason 9 and am just at the end of year 2 of Hormone Therapy. 6 months into my HT I started to suffer from "hot sweats" and the cure for me was Sage Tablets. I take one called "Manoforce" from Holland and Barrett (other shops are available) . They are a tad expensive but they work. My sweats have stopped but I still take the tablets.

    I hope the above helps and wish you well.

    If I can do anything else for you, please don't hesitate to contact me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Millibob, thanks for getting back to me. For my hot flushes they prescribed me Cyproterone acetate. Which has cured my hot flushes. Now I am finding if very hard to stay warm, I am assuming it is cause by my reaction to my immunotherapy treatment, I don’t know and funnily enough not do my specialists.

    best regards and good luck moving ahead.
