Can lung cancer come back after 9 years?

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Mum survived lung cancer 9 years ago since then she has been great, few chest infections and very hoarse voice but overall fantastic. She’s a young 75.

 She has just been to the ENT dept for a biopsy on a lump on her neck ( I had no idea and thought it was because of her hoarse voice as it drives her crazy) she also had a chest X-ray 2 weeks ago ( as she had a chest infection) and there’s  fluid around the chest area. Bloods and ECG being done this afternoon. Scans booked for next week.

can this be lung cancer back or likely to be a new primary cancer? 

Will know in 3 weeks but they have already given her a nurse who is going to check in with her tomorrow.

also she is a bit deaf so not getting all the facts and due to covid restrictions she can only go in by herself but will hopefully speak to someone on the phone once results are all back.

on edit   Just spoke to her again and reminded her she had a groin X-ray a few weeks ago and did she get the results ( no!) and did she show the consultant her self diagnosed hernia on her tummy See no evil no she didn’t ... why would that matter !?!?!? She will tell nurse tomorrow after a frank chat ! 

  • Hi,

    I think you could ask if you can go in with her so you can hear what is said if you explain she is hard of hearing. Also try to put the phone on speakerphone or ask to speak to the consultant.

    you never really know for sure until you get the biopsy results but it does sound like the cancer has spread to the neck and to the pleura causing fluid around the lungs. It is good to have questions written down that you want to ask.

    good luck xxx


  • So we got the diagnosis today Metastatic lung adenocacinoma Rage

    Referred to Lung team now and take it from there but the lump in neck is a lymph node so doesn’t look good.