Terminal lung cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 172 subscribers

Hello everyone. 

Found out a week before Xmas I had lung cancer and last week told it was terminal. 

It was and still is scary to be home as I live alone,  and I felt very taken care of in hospital. 

I do have excellent support workers though.  

It's still a long day though.

I have my first oncology appointment on Friday so am a little anxious but it is what it is.

  • Had the same, in hospital for 3 weeks over Xmas, new year. Was started on immunotherapy Jan, just been to oncologist today, he's happy so far.

    I also live alone with my dog and yes it's scary. Have a drain fitted at mo, hopefully will be removed in a couple months.

    Hold on tight there, thinking of you.

  • Hope your appointment went well for you. I've just been in hospital for 5 days, back home again now. Still under the hospital 'virtually'!! All new to me, but clears a bed. Off immunotherapy at moment until I see consultant next week.