Needing some positivity

  • 7 replies
  • 160 subscribers

Hi everyone new here, so I was recently diagnosed with stage4 advanced lung cancer which has spread to lymph nodes and a internal mammary node at the breast bone.T1a N3 M1b totally overwhelmed and shocked this is my second time of having had breast cancer 12 years ago with a good prognosis this new cancer is not a recurrence but feeling very negative about the future . Currently having Pemetrexed Carboplaton and Immunotherapy Pembrolizumab for 4 rounds .Just wondering if there is anyone on here in a similar situation with a positive outlook .

  • Hello Hollydolly.

    I was also diagnosed with T4 Lung Cancer, spread to my liver, following an all clear mammogram in April having had a lumpectomy in 2020 (with chemo and radiotherapy).

    I’m 50 and apparently having a brand new primary so close to a previous cancer is quite rare. Not sure whether to feel honoured or just pretty unlucky.

    Also started chemo and immunotherapy treatment today (3 weeks on, 4 cycles) but have been told that the tumour may not be receptive to the immunotherapy following the initial biopsy. 

    Upside to being ‘young’ and relatively fit is that I could be a good candidate for trials which I believe I’ll be exploring at my next meeting with the Oncologist on 17 October.

    On hearing the diagnosis, I asked about the prognosis (if the treatment plan didn’t have any effect or I decided not to pursue any treatment). I was tentatively told (with caveat's) 12-months.

    It’s so difficult trying to navigate your way around a new way of being, especially at this early stage. So I’m trying not to rush ahead and get better at letting go of my more controlling nature in favour of simply letting what will be, be.

    its sooooooo tough. And don’t get me started on work. People cannot understand why I’m not on sick. But while I have supportive colleagues and feel I can offer a valuable contribution, I refuse to give in to day time TV.

    I’m quite pragmatic by nature, definitely not an eternal optimist, but let’s not write ourselves off just yet. We’ve everything to play for.

    Chin up and keep talking x

  • Hi Zomofo, Sorry I didn't reply earlier I sent the email to the online team what a wally eh . Anyway thanks for sharing your story with me such bad luck to having a second round with this horrible disease in such a short space of time.  Trying to stay positive is hard when yourin limbo land wondering if this treatment will work and yout whole world has been turned upside down but we have to stand up and face it . Trying to keep things as normal as possible but it's always up there in your head. What immunotherapy are you on ? My next appointment with my Oncologist is 14th  October so still questions to ask about treatment. You are being wise by still going to work when you can it keeps things more normal and being busy is good .Thankyou for your kind words and yes chins up most definitely. X

  • Hi Hollydolly sorry to hear that this is your second run in with cancer. There are so many new treatments available that hopefully this will help you. I see my oncologist on Tuesday October first. I will find out my treatment plan then. I am also going to get pembrolizumab but I also agreed to take part in a clinical trial. My cancer is also in lymph nodes. I think that in a way I feel very lucky that at least I have treatment available. I remain positive that my treatment will be successful and that I will move on from this road-trip and continue with my life. I would appreciate if you were able to give me an insight into the immunotherapy. I know people react differently but a little forewarning would helpful. Remain positive and enjoy your day. Sharon x

  • Hi Shazzy2 Thankyou for the positivity is it your lymph nodes that are affected or is this beast anywhere else? This is what I would love just to move on and get some normality back. As regarding immunotherapy I have only had 1 round 2nd one due this Monday only problem so far is skin rash upper body and arms and got zero base emulsion to use which seems to help. Enjoy the rest of your weekend .

  • Evening Robert , sorry to hear about your lung diagnosis so soon after your earlier prostate cancer. This is a beast of a disease such a shock and I was certainly numb especially being told it was at an advanced stage 4 it certainly gets you down when your future is so uncertain but it certainly helps when we can talk about it on these forums all here forceach other. Thankyou for your kind words .

  • Hi Hollydolly

    Im sorry if I upset you as I’m not very good at this writing on Forums , enjoy your evening Robert 

  • No you haven't upset me don't worry I'm  new to forums too enjoy the rest of your weekend