Newly diagnosed and in shock

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  • 159 subscribers

Hi I've just been diagnosed with advanced adenocarcinoma of lung. Huge shock having been feeling fighting fit until beginning of June when I got what I thought was an exacerbation of asthma with a poss viral infection. Sent for cxr when not getting better swiftly followed by CT and suddenly I was a cancer patient. I think the speed it happened contributed to the sense of shock I still have. Had a tough few weeks with tests and having a pleural effusion drained twice. Feel very breathless and coughing a lot and still have to wait for tumour markers and to see an oncologist before have any idea on treatment. I just want things to move on faster now so I've got a bit more certainty. On the positive side I'm getting really good care and fortunate to have it on doorstep.

  • Hi Janny5678

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it does come as a shock doesn't it.

    I was fit and healthy then June last year was diagnosed with oesophagal cancer. I have had 7 rounds of chemo 4 before the op and 3 after and now waiting for results of scan to see if it's gone.

    I totally understand how you are feeling but your team are there to help you every step of the way and I'm sure they will do their best to guide you on your treatment plan.

    I won't lie it is very tough and demanding and everyone copes in their own way. Try to stay positive and trust your team. I'm in the oesophagal forum quite regularly if you just need someone to talk to.

    Best wishes 

    Dean (Grandad65)

  • Such a shock for you.  My diagnosis too seemed a shock because symptoms came in waves and I'd be right as rain in-between.  Mostly feeling hot at night my symptoms thought was menopause.

    1. How long did the pleural effusion give you relief for?  I feel like I need it.  Was it mainly when breathing deeply ie relaxed and/ or lying down.  My peak flow is 220.
  • I've had my pleural effusion drained three times now - seems to give relief for a few days before it fills again. I've had good news about tumour markers and due to see oncologist for first time today to see what treatment options are. My pleural specialist has said that targeted therapy may dry it up quite quickly but at moment I'm looking at having an indwelling catheter put in next week so can drain it at home.

  • Sounds like some relief at least, and something positive can be done.  Targeted therapy sounds good so best of luck with a match!

  • Thanks Tirra. I'm going to be starting targeted therapy next Friday so hopefully my symptoms will improve from there. The consultant was optimistic about good response so I'm hoping he's right!

  • My husband is in the exact same situation as you. I wish you well.

  • Thank you. I'm two weeks into treatment with osimertinib now and I feel so much better. Before treatment started I was struggling to get round the house. Now my cough and breathlessness are vastly improved and I've been able to get out for walks and out with friends. I've got the indwelling pleural drain which is so much better - hasn't dried up yet but the amounts are reducing and we're raining at home every three days.

  • Aww that’s good news! Sending positive vibes

  • Hope things are working out for you too. 

  • Very sorry Janny,the waiting is the hardest,I had my results from biopsy yesterday and have grade 3 in right lung and in lymph nodes in collarbone their waiting for 1 result to come in to see what type it is,waiting to here from Beatson regarding treatment plan,I’ve been on HT treatment since April but their putting it on pause regarding RT as it was caught early