Recently diagnosed with lung cancer

  • 7 replies
  • 156 subscribers

Hello. I was informed back in May, after taking part as a volunteer at a local hospital research department that the CT scan I'd had, had shown something in one of my lungs that they thought needed further investigation. I subsequently had a PET scan which showed the cancer.

I consider myself to have been incredibly lucky as apart from slight breathlessness (which I thought was as a result of pneumonia I had 8 years ago) I have no symptoms, so who knows when it would have been discovered!

I'm now awaiting surgery which hopefully will happen in the next few weeks. I have an appointment with the oncologist next week, and with the surgeon the following week. However, I am hoping to go to Malta in May 2025 and wondered if it was going to be difficult to get travel insurance. Any advice please.

  • Hello everyone ,
    One of mine close friend was diagnosed with cancer on a CT scan. They did another CT scan and they said that the cancer is in the lungs and already in the liver. Now there will be an MRI of the brain, thyroid gland and then an appointment with an oncologist. And it was tolded , there will be no surgery. Is this really the final verdict? Desition without a biopsy? Can it be so?

  • Hello Pjel,

    It's probably a little early to to have any idea of availability of travel insurance given treatment hasn't been carried out yet. However, based on my experience (successful right lung removed and adjuvant chemotherapy) I found no problem obtaining travel insurance several months after completion of treatment with no further medical problems relating to my treatment. Unfortunately you might have to wait until some months have passed from treatment completion to find out for sure when you obtain quotations.

    That aside, surgery does give you the best possible chance of a cure and I hope it goes as well for you.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Thank you excavator! I think I must be a bit of a control freak - planning ahead before actually knowing what is ahead!

    I am really hoping surgery goes ahead and I should find out next week. Surgeon suspected Pulmonary Hypertension after the pre op procedures but fortunately following an angiogram, not the case.

    I had radiotherapy following breast cancer (same side) nearly 20 years ago so my lung nurse is not sure yet whether further radiotherapy can happen. Seeing oncologist tomorrow so hopefully a lot of questions will be answered then.

    Thank you for responding.

  • I'm a complete comtrol freak too, one of my weaknesses and, I think, strengths too.

    I really hope you have a satisfactory outcome and wish you all the best.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi  I am sorry to hear about your friend. I think your post may get missed here in this thread, and may be better to start your own thread. It is easy to do, just go to the top of the page, and depending on your device you will see a NEW button or a + in a box. Click there, pop in a title and then start your post. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you very much Blush 

  • Thanks a lots for replying back . Blush