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  • 153 subscribers

I am so lucky, after 4 chemo sessions there's no sign of the tumour on my lung. But having stopped smoking over 6 months ago I am now really struggling to stay stopped. I live alone, this was out of choice but not anymore. I'm 70, active, but feeling very low when I should be over the moon and living life to the full. Pathetic.

  •   please do not be so hard on yourself. Being told you have cancer is traumatic and going through chemo is an awful ordeal. You probably have time yet to digest everything you have been through. 
    You have done so well not smoking for the past 6 months, it will be such a shame if you were to start up again now. I know it’s hard, I’m an ex smoker myself, but try and do something to keep busy to take your mind off the cigarettes. And do you know the best way not to smoke…..not to buy them in the first place. If you’ve got any indoors, get rid, you went through all that treatment and look at the amazing results you have had, don’t waste all your hard work. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
    1. Thank you so much for responding, you're very generous and I so appreciate your perspective.
  • Hi.

    Good news about the tumour. May your luck continue!

    Just a thought that might help you stay away from the cigs.. .. when hubby and myself gave up smoking we decided to every day put the money we would have spent on them into a jar. Even if we had to make a special trip to the bank to get the money. We knew we would have done it to buy a pack of cigs. It's amazing how it mounts up. After nine months we went to America for a holiday on it! That was 35 years ago. With the cost of cigarettes now you could be flying round the world in no time .. hopefully to celebrate your continued recovery!

    All the best.

  • Don't give in, please.  Remember the freedom you've gained from the power those little white sticks had on you!

    I knitted etc a lot.  What can you do with your hands?  A little drink of water can help, though don't go mad, don't want to force you to the toilet too much.  (Gets expensive in paper and flushing!)

  • Hi Woodani, for years smoking was my prop but gradually I mainly switched to nicotine gum BUT when becoming very stressed I was back on the cigs. Two years ago I had a lobectomy top right lung and whilst in hospital gave up the gum, finally! I’m now chewing ordinary gum instead. I think you’re doing really well. What finally helped me were the beautiful smells in the countryside or seaside.  Maybe try some deep breathing or try a learning a new skill. Keeping your brain occupied may help you. 

    one thing that struck me when I was talking to one of the consultants. She said “don’t beat yourself up about the smoking”. I hope all goes well for you

    Best wishes, Daisy BouquetBouquet

  • Thanks for the tip, much appreciated 

  • It’s not pathetic at all. You should be proud that you stopped over 6 months ago. Have you tried finding things to do locally? Going out, meeting people always helps. Try and spend more time out. 
    I’m trying to do the same at the moment and it helps 

  • Thank you for your time and advice, much appreciated