Ground glass opacity

  • 1 reply
  • 152 subscribers

Hi everyone, I have a CT scan in the next few days which is a 3 month follow up from previous CT scan which found ill defined patches foci of ground glass opacity in top right lung!  I don’t even know what this is and it’s not been explained, I’m scared it could be cancer, any advice would be greatly appreciated,  good or bad, I’m a pragmatic person and would rather know either way

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though we are always a little sorry to see new friends join us on here we hope you find it a great place to be.

    While my wife has had a great number of CT scans in the past this was not something I had ever heard of before. One thing I do know of course is that the scan does pick up anything a bit different to the norm - but then I have yet to meet anyone who the scan does not show something. What is often more informing is comparing one scan to the next to see if anything is changing.

    I did find is a report here that talks about different things that might give these findings.

    I hope the next scan gives some more clarity and that you get to find out what your next steps will be because waiting and not knowing can be really difficult.



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