Wearing a wig due to hair loss

  • 6 replies
  • 149 subscribers

Hello everyone - I’m Anika. I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a year ago. After a year on osiminitib tablet medication my lung condition has “stabilised” and cancer has not spread. The main side effect has been hair loss.

My question seems trivial but is an issue that upsets me.  I have worn a wig for 6 months. I like it and I think it suits me.  However from time to time someone (always a woman and usually someone I hardly know) has approached me usually in a social setting to ask outright if I’m wearing a wig. This shakes my confidence. Other people and friends have commented they like my hair, even where do I get my hair done (!) and I’m fine with this as it allows me to reveal the truth or not depending on who they are and how I feel.  
I’m searching for a suitable, polite response to deal with what I feel is an insensitive and thoughtless enquiry.