New to the group

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  • 165 subscribers

Hi I'm new to the group. Was diagnosed with lung cancer in January and had my operation on 27th March to remove my lobe. Operation a success and everything seem to be going well until yesterday. Had my first appointment with clinical Oncology. My tumour was 2 millimetres bigger than the parameters for no further treatment. The consultant said I had " good chance will be fine " but needed to discuss options. Suggested Chemo but informed me that there was only a 3 or 4% advantage of 5 year survival . I got the impression that his bias was not to go ahead with the Chemo, so totally confused just don't know what to do 

  • Hello there,

     I had the same decision to make last July. I already knew about the statistics they quoted as I’d read up on it. My tumour was 3mm larger than the cut off point with no lymph node involvement. I felt that going through chemo for a possibly very small advantage was not worth the risk of all the side effects. I did have a consultation with an oncologist and cancer nurse to discuss the options. One thing they couldn’t tell me was how many people went on with no treatment and no reoccurrence. I was given a week to decide. I did consult my family for their views and they said they didn’t think it was worthwhile. I am having 6 monthly scans and appointments to see the chest clinic. My next scan is due next week and the appointment in June. I’m keeping my fingers crossed as there is no guarantee of no reoccurrence. At least if I need chemo in the future I know any problems will be caught early (over the next four years).

    I know there have been others who have gone ahead with the post operative treatment so I hope they will respond to you. It’s one time when it is your decision to make.

    Good luck whatever you decide. Just make the decision that feels right for you then go ahead without any regrets.


  • Hi   i am new  here . Been now on a rollercoaster with lung cancer . i am  waiting dr. to look at the biopsy and talk to the team on what to do next.  tumour did reduced   but  now just a waiting . How does anyone deal with the waiting game after you  had all your test  i even on the 5th of May  had pre-op done. but no surgery at this time. they were going to take out half my lung ,now that   it is a bit smaller. it's a waiting game. you still have cancer but  no treatment yet. how do you cope?  

  • I don't think there are any good answers on how to cope with the waiting and uncertainty. It's a rollercoaster ride emotionally. I'm in FL, USA and my lung cancer is small cell which is very aggressive. Surgery won't help it, but because it was caught early they believe they can get it with aggressive chemo and unbelievable radiation. I start the chemo on Monday and it feels very far off as this thing is growing alarmingly fast, but then it's just around the corner too. Keep yourself busy   Do some enjoyable things and hopefully you have a good support group in your corner. Not sure how much help my answer was, but sometimes it's just nice to know you're not alone

  • Thank you ,going more now for no further treatment but still a few more days to make a definite decision